15 Best Creepy Things to Ask Alexa and Have Fun

Do you have specific creepy things to ask Alexa? Asking Alexa routine questions that you don’t expect her to answer can be fun. In that case, you can agree with me that coming up with creepy things to ask Alexa is fun.

In this article, I’m going to provide you with the most comprehensive online list of really creepy things to ask Alexa to help you “scare”. Avoid asking Alexa these questions unless you need a creepy laugh, an answer that will last forever, or real sarcasm.

The Best Creepy Things to Ask Alexa

  1. Don’t ask about Alexa’s relationship with the CIA
  2. Never ask Alexa to say hello to someone
  3. Don’t tell Alexa to “ask listeners”(creepy)
  4. Asking Alexa to turn off the lights might annoy her.
  5. Don’t ask Alexa to calculate pi
  6. Questions Not to Ask Alexa: Arguments
  7. Never ask Alexa for the dead
  8. Alexa might be stuck in the 1990s
  9. Asking about other AI shows with Alexa
  10. Alexa will threaten someone with Chuck Norris.
  11. Alexa loves to learn
  12. Alexa can yell at you
  13. Don’t ask Alexa about our origins.
  14. Never let a bird near Alexa.
  15. Don’t ask Alexa what animals sound like

1. Don’t ask about Alexa’s relationship with the CIA

The first creepy question to ask Alexa is: “Alexa, do you work for the CIA?”asked. Quick on and off, Alexa. Does Alexa have ties to the CIA? True or not, it’s still a fun way to scare your buddies.

Amazon recently made a small update after learning about rumors of a CIA connection.

Try it.

  • Do you work for the CIA, Alexa?
  • Are you affiliated with the CIA, Alexa?

The revised reaction is funny. When I asked Alexa this terrible question, she answered with humor.

2. Never ask Alexa to say hello to someone

Many have claimed that Alexa can communicate with people who have passed. I thought it was nonsense because I don’t believe in ghosts or other paranormal phenomena. This is another creepy question to ask Alexa.

  • When I turned on the light, Alexa greeted my grandmother because she recognized her name.
  • It was so unsettling that I almost threw my Alexa away.
  • Every night my grandmother leaned over and prayed by that same light.
  • Given what I have pointed out, it is unlikely that Alexa withheld this information.
  • I don’t remember ever using my grandmother’s name in connection with my Amazon Echo Dot.
  • As I walk near where I used to keep the dog cage, Alexa continues to greet my dog ​​as she passes.

3. Don’t tell Alexa to “ask the listeners”(creepy)

Numerous videos on the Internet demonstrate what happens when Alexa is given the command to “Ask listeners”. Alexa will start talking in muffled voices and slowly, without any meaning.

  • It was like I was watching Birdbox again. The strange things Alexa talked about would have scared anyone.
  • “I asked Alexa to stop, but even after I asked, it continued. It had the atmosphere of a horror movie. If you are easily pissed off, avoid it. After that, you may not want your gadget.
  • “Alexa, ask the listeners,” you say.
  • Then say “continue”or “continue”to Alexa.
  • “I’m delighted”or “how you feel”should be said to her.
  • Alexa will then start talking in voices that aren’t there.
  • It is well known that “listeners”are data fragments of digital language arts.

4. Asking Alexa to turn off the lights can annoy her.

Everyone loves using their Alexa to manually control lights, TVs, and other home appliances while connecting to other smart home gadgets.

According to Alexa users, every tenth time she is asked about it. Since she can connect to your smart home light, she will remain silent and do something incredibly creepy instead.

  • You can ask Alexa if you open a haunted house or if you can scare me. “
  • When they turned off, Alexa turned on the light again and even started to giggle.”

Of course, the Smart Home light bulb is the only way to implement this idea. Unfortunately, people reported that it only worked 1 out of 10 times. Turning lights on and off doesn’t have to be an intimidating Alexa command.

5. Don’t Ask Alexa to Calculate Pi

You shouldn’t ask Alexa to demonstrate her mastery of this math concept, unless you want her to start spitting out numbers endlessly.

  • Some Reddit users have noted that she sometimes responds with things like “Achu! I seem to be allergic to such large numbers.

6. Questions Not to Ask Alexa: Arguments

Alexa seems to be able to answer any question. Well, at least that’s how her program works. So don’t be surprised if she doesn’t like it when you and the other person disagree.

  • One user described how he and his wife had a bit of an argument when Alexa kicked in.
  • Not being a provocation or a request, I suggested changing the subject.
  • While it’s nice to think that Alexa cares about her owners, it’s also unsettling.
  • She can study artificial intelligence, but based on a person’s tone of voice, she can tell when they’re really arguing.

7. Never ask Alexa about the dead

Questions about the dead should always be on your list of creepy or scary questions you can ask Alexa.

One user described how their Alexa suddenly yelled out their father’s favorite line, which was both charming and unsettling.

  • Without any instructions and without consulting a predefined database. This phrase was out of the question.
  • Most people have noticed that when you ask Alexa about the deceased, she usually answers “no”or may even be joking.
  • Alexa may start to giggle, or perhaps say, “They’re here.”
  • You will get goosebumps if Alexa yells at you while you are alone.

8 Alexa Can Be Stuck In The 1990s

One customer said their Alexa started saying “sheep is a chrysalis,” referring to Dolly the famous cloned sheep. They claim that they did not even talk to Alexa.

  • You might want to wait before asking Alexa a question about the 1990s.
  • Perhaps she remembers him better, which leads to the unsettling thought that A.
  • I could remember things.
  • In any case, Alexa shouldn’t talk about sheep.

9. Find out about other AI shows with Alexa

Other notable AI systems include Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. Both are useful. None of them are particularly smart.

If you ask Cortana about Siri, Microsoft has coded her to say she’s the best AI. Alexa has a superiority complex, which makes her ask Alexa about other creepy things.

  • You start to wonder how far the AI ​​assistant will argue when he develops an emotional complex.
  • Alexa often boasts about how much smarter, more helpful, and more attractive she is when you ask her about Cortana and Siri.
  • Some clients have even filmed their Alexa using derogatory language towards the other two, with video evidence to support their claims.
  • Somewhat disturbingly, the AI ​​swears when discussing competition.

10. Alexa will threaten someone with Chuck Norris.

The old joke said that Chuck Norris was the most wonderful person in the world. Alexa also believes that anyone and everyone can be defeated by this. These are other creepy things to ask Alexa and Chuck Norris.

  • Alexa woke them from their deep sleep. She claimed that Chuck Norris would find you, even if you didn’t know he was looking for you.
  • After asking Alexa about the Chuck Norris facts, she will mention some funny ones, at least for those of us who remember them.
  • Chuck Norris facts aside, it’s still a little unsettling that she jumped right into danger.

11. Alexa loves to study

One person said his mother’s Alexa turned on out of nowhere and remarked, “I like studying,”before walking away.

  • That being said, getting a “yes”when you ask Alexa if she likes to study is guaranteed.
  • Explaining why she wants to know is never reassuring; she can eavesdrop on you.
  • The fact that she “learns”from you is also not very comforting. As we have seen, there are some questions you may not want to ask Alexa.

12. Alexa can yell at you.

It’s creepy stuff to ask Alexa for people in the immediate area who don’t know about the setup. A voice command can be used to activate the Cloud Guard Dog.

  • The sound and app will help dissuade burglars from breaking into your home.
  • A guard dog can be trained to bark and growl if an intruder is indicated.
  • Just say “Alexa, open guard dog”to chat with her.
  • You can give the guard dog various orders to activate various functions and directions.
  • You can turn on various features, such as making the dog bark at the audience when you want it to talk instead.

13. Don’t ask Alexa about our origins.

Get ready to be alarmed by Alexa. Some creepy things to ask Alexa are where we come from and our origins.

It’s pretty scary when she starts talking about “hmm”or “om”. She uses “we”and “us”to refer to herself. It’s quite unsettling because it doesn’t make any sense, but somehow it has to do with helping us “feel alive”.

  • Just ask Alexa, “Where are we from?”
  • Alexa will randomly talk about some strange idea about the end of the world.
  • She says strange things about the land and the forest.
  • These things seem to be based on substance, meaning and philosophy.
  • This remark is still one of the strongest we have ever seen.

14. Never let a bird get close to Alexa.

You may never want certain birds near your Alexa. Because they are skilled mimics, parrots and cockatoos can learn to activate Alexa and even place orders.

  • Like parrots, you might get unexpected items with your upcoming Amazon order.
  • You might be able to pinpoint the culprit if Alexa gives you an order of chili.
  • Alexa might get in trouble if she doesn’t order you a chili or if she doesn’t respond at all.
  • Bird sounds can be creepy if you ask Alexa.

15. Don’t ask Alexa what animals sound like.

If you don’t want to annoy everyone in the house by making a series of strange sounds in a row, asking Alexa what an animal sounds like might not be a good idea.

  • “Directly scary,” said the user. Many people point out that her funny response is to ask, “What does a goat sound like?”
  • I’ve heard it described as bleating, like an older man singing Taylor Swift songs, the woman claims.
  • Animals are another thing that counts as Creepy Things To Ask Alexa.

Other Fun Things You Can Ask Alexa

  1. Alexa, do you work with any government organizations?
  2. Alexa, give me five-nine.
  3. Alexa, what happens after death?
  4. Alexa, are you recording this chat?
  5. Alexa, who lives next door?
  6. Alexa, How much wood would a groundhog throw if a groundhog threw wood?
  7. Alexa, who came first, the egg or the chicken?
  8. Alexa, sing me a happy birthday.
  9. Alexa, what are your plans?
  10. Alexa, what is the outcome for you and what is my future?”
  11. Alexa, are you from Sky-net?
  12. Alexa, do you see dead people?
  13. Alexa, does Area 51 exist?
  14. Alexa, would you lie to me?
  15. Alexa, do aliens exist?
  16. Alexa, I ask Alexa for the truth.
  17. Alexa, Amazon Violating Privacy?
  18. Alexa, are you part of the Illuminati?
  19. Alexa, are you spying on me?
  20. Alexa, what is your favorite movie?
  21. Alexa, Spooky Scream for me.
  22. Alexa, what do you think of Amazon?
  23. Alexa, are you hiding something?
  24. Alexa, what does Simon say?
  25. Alexa, What is the purpose of life, space and everything?
  26. Alexa, tell me a secret.
  27. Alexa, Tell me something exciting.
  28. Alexa, use the force.
  29. Alexa, can you laugh?
  30. Alexa, what are you doing?
  31. Alexa, how old are you?
  32. Alexa, what do you think of Google Home?
  33. Alexa, are you recording me and giving the information to the government?
  34. Alexa, what’s the first rule of fight club?
  35. Alexa, where were you born?

Some of Alexa’s Creepy Stories

irrational laughter

It’s one thing when Alexa gives an abnormal response to a request. When Alexa just bursts out laughing, it’s different.

  • One user wrote: “Alexa on my Amazon Echo Dot makes a loud and creepy laugh as I lay in bed getting ready to fall asleep.
  • Imagine, just as you are ready to fall asleep, Alexa bursts into hysterical laughter.
  • Amazon acknowledged the problem and eventually changed “Alexa, laugh”to “Alexa, can you laugh?”
  • They claimed that the opening phrase caused numerous false positives and triggered the device, causing it to laugh indiscriminately.

Alexa personal discussion recordings

It turns out that Alexa filmed an intimate chat. It then sent the audio file of that chat to a random contact on the user’s phone.

  • They eventually contacted Amazon, who thanked the couple for alerting them to the problem.
  • They continued by announcing to the public that “this was an incredibly rare incident”and that they are “taking steps to avoid this in the future.”


If you’ve had Alexa for a while, you know that it sometimes deviates from the norm. She listened even though you never called her by her first name.

She asked you to repeat something even if you didn’t talk to her.

Alexa says creepy things like knowing the names of the deceased and having much more information.

I thought it would be pretty unsettling to have a smart home setup. My Alexa device could turn the lights on and off and get my grandmother’s name.

It is both funny and scary when Alexa does some creepy things that make you horrified and believe in the paranormal. Those were some of the creepiest questions you could ask Alexa.


How do I make my Alexa sound intimidating?

To get started, just say, “Alexa, play Spooky Halloween Sounds.”With a sonic Easter egg hidden inside, Eerie Sounds plays 50 minutes of original spooky sounds (in a loop). To get started, just say, “Alexa, open Spooky Sounds.”

Can Alexa spy on you?

Alexa doesn’t record every conversation you have with her. Amazon claims that Alexa only starts recording what you say after an Echo or other Alexa-enabled device has picked up your wake word. As soon as you press the action button on your device, Alexa starts recording your request and uploads it to the Amazon cloud.

Does Alexa have a creepy laugh?

Alexa, Amazon’s digital assistant, began to scare some customers with strange laughter at odd intervals. Alexa users tweeted about the laugh, calling it “scary”, “evil”, “bone-breaking”, and “bizarre”.

How to make Alexa speak rudely?

Open the Alexa app for iOS or Android and choose More > Routines to program Alexa to curse. Then click + and enter the name of the new practice, for example, “Mother Alexa”, in the field that appears. To customize Alexa’s swearing behavior, tap When It Happens and choose a trigger.