$30 million stolen from Crypto.com after hack

Crypto.com hacked: $30 million stolen, but no clients were harmed.

If you want to invest in cryptocurrencies, it is a good idea to choose a well-known and recognized exchange. There are many factors such as reliability, you can be sure that the persons in charge will not suddenly leave with all your money. There is also security, indeed you wouldn’t want the platform to be hacked and your cryptocurrencies stolen. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to the respected Crypto.com.

Crypto.com has been hacked

The Crypto.com platform has indeed become a victim of a hack. In a post published on its website, the exchange confirms that there was a hack a few days ago that led to the theft of more than $30 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum. That being said, there is good news for customers: the exchange has since suspended withdrawals and refunded affected customers.

$30 million stolen, but no clients were harmed

According to a Crypto.com statement: β€œOn January 17, 2022, Crypto.com learned that a small number of its users were experiencing unauthorized withdrawals from their accounts. Crypto.com quickly put all token withdrawals on hold to launch an investigation and worked tirelessly to fix the issue. Not a single client has lost money. In most cases, we were able to prevent unauthorized withdrawals, and in all other cases, customers received a full refund.”

Since then, the exchange has also withdrawn all 2FA tokens from all of its users and moved to a completely new infrastructure for its two-factor authentication. That being said, if you are going to store and trade cryptocurrencies, you should consider moving your assets to a cold wallet, which is nothing more than an offline wallet like a USB stick. In other words, unless you lose the device itself, no one will be able to access your coins.