4 Biggest Social Media Websites and Apps

Today, most of the world’s population uses social networks. This is a huge number of users. Moreover, over the past five years, in addition to the younger generation, older people are increasingly using social networks. Many novice programmers are interested in how to create a social networking application. This interest is understandable, because such applications are in demand and bring a lot of income.

Given the huge audience, the importance of social networks cannot be overestimated. One of the highlights of the power of “new social communications”was the US elections, when the Facebook account of former US President Donald Trump was blocked, and he lost some of his votes.

The choice of modern social networks is huge. Below is a list of the most popular and well-known social networks and applications that have received high ratings.

1. Facebook

In 2021, Facebook has gained the largest number of users, becoming the most numerous social network. The number of users who actively use the site exceeds 2 billion. The impressive success story of network founder Mark Zuckerberg is known all over the world. Since its inception in 2006, the site has grown from a small application to a giant network with a global reach.

Facebook is usually referred to as a role model when it comes to social media. This is one of the most popular platforms for promoting goods and services around the world.

Over 400 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day. Live broadcasts and video clips also enjoy stable popularity among users in different countries. Today, approximately every second, 4 to 6 new accounts are registered on Facebook. This is the highest rate in the social media market.

The conditions of the new window enable each user to quickly create cases with useful goods, services, presentations for online business. Combined with various payment tools, content management and optimization systems, Facebook is becoming an increasingly attractive digital selling platform.

2. YouTube

It is noteworthy that until 2010, the popular video hosting did not pay off and was a loss-making project. After 11 years of complicated history, YouTube has become the new “TV”, surpassing all its competitors in terms of the number of users and popularity.

The company says it has over 1.8 billion active monthly users. Nearly 150 billion visitors visit video hosting every day. Over 4 billion video clips are streamed daily on YouTube. These are incredibly high traffic speeds that no other analog platform can boast of.

The modern video hosting user interface provides maximum opportunities for editing, publishing and managing video content. An essential feature of the platform is the priority of the video over text or graphic information. But don’t forget that YouTube is a product of Google and is also considered an advanced search engine.

Many companies start a YouTube channel and attract an impressive amount of new customers from this platform. The advantage of video over textual information allows you to better present a product or service than any text.


A convenient and comfortable messenger for messaging is one of the top three in terms of the number of users. Today, WhatsApp is known in more than 190 countries around the world and has more than 1.6 billion active users.

The application is relevant for organizing communication between remote employees. A simple interface and compatibility with any device make it possible to use the messenger for a variety of purposes: for business negotiations, video calls, communication with colleagues or relatives. If necessary, you can use the chat format or create a mailing list for users from different countries and continents.


This platform is owned by Facebook and, as an example for its owners, is actively increasing its user base. Instagram has over 1 billion users worldwide. More than 500 million people share photos, videos or text content every day using the Instagram platform.

More than 600 million stories and about 90 million images are published daily. Companies and marketers actively use Instagram to communicate with the target audience, provide services or make sales.

New tabs for showcase organization and built-in tools for optimizing and managing account content allow you to successfully conduct online trading. This makes Instagram a very compelling digital sales and revenue platform.