If you want to know how to uninstall xresolver or xbox converter, you have come to the right place. The online database is the central point of the flood. This includes hackers, gamers, and online security and privacy.
But you don’t have to be afraid and keep reading, because the more you read, the more knowledge you gain. Before discussing the main issues, let’s discuss what is xresolver used for?
It is worth discussing the reason for its existence. There is always a toxic energy in video game culture that starts a real story.
Video games were created for entertainment purposes. And online games have developed competition between players. And some of the players were very excited emotionally. Naturally, none of us likes to lose.
But how to carry it and respond to it is something we need to learn. And that’s the main reason xresolver exists: intimidation, revenge and anti-social behavior on the Internet.
What is xResolver?
This is a database service that records the player tags and IP addresses of users playing on Xbox, PC, laptop and PlayStation.
The information provided on the website is technically legal and public. But this can be a problem for gamers who mainly play online.
What makes xResolver harmful?
Xresolver claims to allow random parties or suspicious people interested in a user’s personal information to contact your remote server. And then, from now on, you can become a target for many purposes, such as a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack.
Let’s say you beat a player big in League of Legends to better understand it. Now he is angry and wants revenge.
It can go to the xResolver.com website, enter your gamertag/PSN ID, grab your IP address and you know what? It makes your internet connection the slowest to a painful level.

Do I need to worry about hackers while playing online?
If you are an Internet user and have an account through a local ISP, you have every chance of being hacked. Not only computers, laptops or smartphones are hacked, but if you play online games, you risk losing personal information.
The problem is that the person who wants to know your current IP address on a website (like PS4, Xbox or PC) does not have good intentions. Your friend will not be interested in your IP address, so he must be a hacker.
Therefore, be very careful when you play online games or visit public online games because you are definitely exposed to the threat of hacking.

How hackers can get your IP address while playing
Your IP address is required to send and receive important information. But once it’s hacked, a person can grab all your data. Your IP address is similar to the shipping address you need to provide when shopping online.
This is a set of unique numbers provided by the ISP. Basically it’s not fixed, but you can have a static IP if you like. Hackers can capture your IP address data during an online game session using the server where the game is being played.
Players not only create it, but they can also host a private server. And because of this, they can record the IP addresses of live users, and the real risk is that they can blacklist their entire network.

Ways to remove your IP
Change your IP address by contacting your ISP:
If an ISP registers your IP address via DHCP, you can force it to change the external IP address assigned by the ISP by resetting the router or turning it on or off. This is probably the simplest solution.
Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
If you use a good VPN as a security tool, it will hide your PC’s IP address and replace it with a dedicated one. A static address is shared with users or changes dynamically with each connection. Your ISP will not be able to see it.
From xResolver and xResolver to track IP addresses
Xresolver offers a service where players can blacklist player tags. And remove them from the public IP address. Information from xresolver is public and comes from the running octosniff program.
Manually uninstall xResolver (IP) official site.
If someone has your human-readable IP format, you can’t prevent them from using it. You cannot prevent anyone from blocking your social security number if you lose your social security card.
You can delete the IP manually using the delete data form on the xresolver official website (by searching for xresolver legal). If you are on the list, this action will retrieve the data from the database. You can follow other tips to prevent yourself from being added again.

Why you should protect your IP address
Hackers and spies are looking for the easiest way to target and steal your information. If you don’t hide your IP address, their target will be easier to attack. Once they have your IP address, they can easily find out your identity and where you live. This can create big problems that can lead to serious headaches.
If you want to use search engines anonymously, it’s best to hide your IP address. There are many reasons to hide your IP, but it’s an effective way to increase your privacy and security.

How to change your IP address
If you want to change your IP address to protect your account from suspicious strangers, it’s helpful to change the OP’s address. When connecting to public Wi-Fi, the public IP address is used, but each device has a local IP address.
Most people talk about changing Wi-Fi and refer to iPV4 public addresses. Most websites, servers and online games can see and use this IP address. You can use the following options to change your IP address:
- Use a proxy
- Use Thor
- Turning off the modem
- Through an ISP
- When changing networks
Do I have to pay to blacklist my IP address?
It’s kind of a business that xresolver and other websites have started. Since IP addresses are public knowledge, it is not illegal to keep them public. Xresolver knows and uses the benefits.
If you want your IP address to be blacklisted to protect it from prying eyes, you need to take advantage of their premium service. However, the negative aspect of this site is that sites like xresolver are abundant on the internet.
You must make sure you know the cautions if you are playing online games. Blacklisting will prevent your gamertag and username from being resolved. Buying a blacklist will get rid of the database forever.
Gamers and other users should protect themselves from being hacked in an online session. They need to take care of their personal information in order to hide it from spies and enemies they have defeated in public sessions.
They play in private and on different gaming platforms as a random player. It doesn’t matter if you use websites or play games.
You still need to hide your IP address from a website like xresolver because any of your hostile ones can steal your IP storage and use your details against you.
This article will help you solve this problem and protect your information and identity from being stolen.
What is XResolver used for?
It is a database service (website) that stores public information. For example, players’ IP addresses, their association with player tags, and online profiles. People use it against their enemy by stealing his IP address.
What is the IP address of my Xbox console?
There are various reasons to know your Xbox IP address. Finding it is an easy process. Open system > settings > network > network settings > advanced settings. The address will be displayed on the screen.
Is using XResolver illegal?
This is a website that stores your data and makes it public. They profit from the gamers that Xbox live plays online games. Players use their data against each other through xresolver because it has the IP address of your account or router. So its use is illegal.