How to fix your IP address has been temporarily blocked

The error message “Your IP address has been temporarily blocked”is common among users. There are many reasons why this error can occur, including excessive resource usage, suspicious activity, and even a bug. You may experience difficulty accessing the Internet if your IP address is temporarily blocked for any reason. However, you can fix this problem by following a few steps.


What causes an IP block?

Your IP has been temporarily banned when the server considers it a potential threat to its network. There are several reasons why this can happen, including:

  1. Excessive use of resources. To protect other users, the server may temporarily block your IP address if you use excessive bandwidth or processing power.
  2. Suspicious Activity: Servers may temporarily ban your IP address if they detect unusual activity from your IP address. Malicious behavior may include hacking attempts, spamming, and other activities.
  3. Misconfiguration: An IP address may be blocked due to a configuration error. The server may have temporarily blocked your IP address while updating its records, for example if you recently changed your IP address.

Temporarily blocking an IP address can be frustrating, regardless of its cause. However, you can resolve this issue and restore Internet access by following a few simple steps.

Troubleshooting Correcting your IP address has been temporarily blocked

Here are a few fixes to help you decide if your IP address has been temporarily blocked. So, if you want to fix it, try these fixes:

Wait for the block to expire

The easiest way to get around the “Your IP address has been temporarily blocked”error message is to wait for the block to expire. Depending on the server that is blocking your IP address and the reason for blocking, the duration will vary. It is possible that the blocking can last for several days or even several hours.

While waiting can be tedious, it’s more reasonable to let the block expire naturally. You may need to increase the duration of the ban or make changes to your network configuration to bypass the ban.

In the meantime, you might find it helpful to review your recent internet activity until the block expires. By doing this, you will be able to determine what might have caused the blockage. In addition, network settings may be misconfigured, excessive resource usage, or suspicious activity. You can prevent future blockages by identifying their cause.

You can contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if the block does not expire as expected, or if you are not sure how long the block will remain in effect. In addition to providing additional information about the blocking, they can help you resolve the issue.

Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

If you are having problems accessing the Internet after the IP address has expired, it is recommended that you contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Regardless of how it affects your connection, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will be able to provide you with blocking information.

Make sure the block date and time is available when you contact your ISP. You must also be prepared to provide the error message you received and any other relevant information. It is possible that your ISP will ask for your IP address, which you can find by searching the Internet for “what is my IP address?”

Your ISP will most likely be able to quickly resolve the issue and restore internet access. Perhaps they can better understand the reason for the ban and suggest ways to avoid it happening again.

Your ISP may refer you to a technical support team for more detailed assistance if they cannot resolve the issue. If you don’t have internet access, they may offer alternative solutions such as using a virtual private network (VPN) or a proxy server.

Use a different IP address

To overcome the “Your IP has been temporarily blocked”error message, you can use a different IP address. Despite this, you need to understand that changing the IP address is not always the best choice. In some cases, it is even possible to extend the duration of the block.

If you want to change your IP address, you can reset your router. You can bypass the block by requesting a new IP address from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, this method may not always work, and sometimes the same IP address may be assigned again.

Using a virtual private network (VPN) or a proxy server can also change your IP address. Through a VPN, your internet traffic is encrypted and routed through a remote server, providing you with an IP address that syncs with you. Apart from giving you a different IP address, the proxy does not encrypt your traffic.

It is extremely important to remember that using a VPN or proxy server may have other consequences such as slow internet speeds and security risks. In addition, some websites and online services may block VPNs or proxy servers, making them unreliable solutions for temporarily blocking IP addresses.

Check your network configuration

Initially, you will need to check your network configuration to allow temporary IP blocking. Temporary IP address bans can occur due to incorrect network settings or incorrect device configuration. You can check the network configuration by doing the following:

  1. Check your modem and router settings for errors and make sure they are configured correctly. If necessary, update the firmware, reset devices to default settings, or turn them off and on.
  2. See if you can fix the problem by disabling any proxy or VPN you are using. Some websites and online services restrict the use of VPNs and proxy servers, resulting in temporary blocking of IP addresses.
  3. You can temporarily disable your firewall to see if it is causing the problem. Incoming traffic may be blocked by some firewalls, resulting in a temporary IP block.
  4. Through NAT, multiple devices can use the same IP address on the same network. Your internet connection may experience problems if NAT is not configured correctly.
  5. Malicious software can interfere with your Internet connection, including temporarily blocking IP addresses. To make sure your device is not infected, install antivirus software or run a malware scan.

By using your network configuration, you can identify and resolve any issues that cause temporary IP blocking. It can be helpful to seek professional help if you don’t know how to check your network configuration or are having trouble solving a problem.

Clean up your computer

You should clean your computer before fixing the temporarily blocked IP address problem as malware, adware, and other unwanted software can be the cause of the problem. To clean up your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Use antivirus software to make sure your computer is free of malware and other unwanted software. It is wise to update your antivirus software before running a scan.
  2. Use special software or tools to remove adware, toolbars, and other types of unwanted software. In addition to AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes, there are other tools you can use to protect your computer.
  3. Get rid of any extensions or add-ons that might be causing problems by clearing your web browser’s cache, cookies, and history. You can also do this if you need to return the web browser to its default settings.
  4. To keep your computer running smoothly, disable all automatically starting programs.
  5. It is extremely important to keep your operating system and software up to date because outdated software can leave you vulnerable to security threats.

Your internet connection can be affected by malware, adware, and other forms of unwanted software, including temporarily blocking IP addresses if you don’t clean your computer.


Cleaning your computer is necessary to remove the temporary blocking of IP addresses. To avoid temporary IP address bans and ensure a stable Internet connection, you should remove unwanted software and update your computer regularly.

Whenever you don’t know how to clean your computer, or are having a hard time solving a problem, consider seeking professional help. So, here’s how to fix your IP address that has been temporarily blocked. We hope this guide has helped you. Meanwhile, if you need more information, leave a comment below and let us know.