When and how to update an electronic device before a gift

Getting a new console with games is an important moment. But before you can play, you must set up the machine and, above all, download updates.

This is a classic for the end of the year or a birthday. Someone unpacks a brand new console with games. After weeks of waiting, it’s time to enjoy it. We turn on the machine and. .. we must complete all the updates. This is perhaps the most frustrating thing about free tech. This explains why some take the lead and sort it out before presenting their gift. But is it a good idea?

Tech gifts used to be easy to use

Unfortunately, this is a march of progress. While our electronic devices become more functional every year, their customization becomes more and more difficult. Set up login, accounts, settings, etc. And there are firmware and software updates.

For consoles, this is especially frustrating because you also need to update games. And often, unfortunately, if you do it at Christmas or the day the game is released, the servers struggle. Which makes the pain even worse.

So the question is: do I need to open the device and configure it in advance? The thread on Reddit is raging. On the one hand, you remove a real burden. On the other hand, some prefer to do everything themselves. This is my case, I admit it. It’s part of the game, so to speak.

If you want to update earlier, here’s how to do it

If you decide to update the device yourself for any reason, try to limit the setting as much as possible. Leave it up to the owner of the device. Go through all the steps that may be. Keep in mind that your goal is simply to update your device and possibly software/games.

Another important point is packaging. Even if the recipient doesn’t want to know that you’ve already set up a device for them, no one wants to unwrap a gift that looks like it’s already been unwrapped. Open only the items absolutely necessary for the initial setup and remember how everything was stored. Also be careful not to damage the packaging itself.