Number of players in Battlefield 2042: how many players are playing?

Battlefield 2042 is a multiplayer FPS game developed by DICE. It is published by Electronic Arts (EA) and is available on various platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. This game has gone through many ups and downs right after its original release, which is October 6, 2021. The game was going well at the time, as long as the players didn’t run into problems too often. As a result, this caused the developers to experience a sudden drop in the number of players. If you’ve played this game before and are wondering how it’s holding up after so many years, then here’s everything you need to know. For your reference, below we have mentioned the latest and current number of players in Battlefield 2042.

What is the current number of players in Battlefield 2042?

The current number of players in Battlefield 2042 over the past 30 days is 13,598 peak players, with an estimated average of 6,830 players. The numbers have fluctuated a lot lately. As of December 2022, the peak number of players was 36,424. But was reduced for unknown reasons. However, according to some speculation, it is doubtful that the game will recover from the huge drop that has occurred since December 2021. For those who don’t know when the game came out, it reached 100,590 peak players but faced a 60% drop. next month. On April 11, 2022, Battlefield 2042 even dropped to 979 active players, which was pretty shocking for fans too. If you’re wondering what went wrong with the game, scroll through the quick summary.

What went wrong with Battlefield 2042?

Few players have been happy with the performance of Battlefield 2042 since the very first release. As mentioned earlier, players have become too often faced with a lot of errors and glitches. Some of them didn’t allow players to gain XP, which was very frustrating for grinders. On the other hand, many users could not even start the game for a very long time. This caused a lot of refund requests on Steam and a sudden drop in player numbers. Going forward, the developers also removed the 128-player multiplayer option and reduced it to 64 players in Update 4.1. So, according to users, too many bugs and patches to fix them led to the fall of the game.

That’s all for the latest and current player count in Battlefield 2042. Thanks also to Steamcharts for the information mentioned. While you’re here, check out how many players are in Overwatch 2. For more tips and tricks, check out other video game guides.