Why are Fortnite Pro players using female skins? (explanation)

Fortnite is more or less iconic and popular thanks to its endless collection of skins. While watching streams or playing Battle Royale, you may have noticed that professional players always use female skins. Whether it’s a male or female player, most Fortnite pots opt for girl skins. But why is this so? Is it comparatively better to be a girl while playing? Or are smaller or female skins just better? Don’t worry, check out our guide that explains the real reason why Fortnite Pro players use female skins.

Why Fortnite Pro Players and Sweats use female skins

The real reason why Fortnite Pro players use female skins is due to their smaller size. There has been a myth over the years that female skins have a smaller hitbox. But this is not the case, since every skin has the same size hitbox regardless of the size. Returning to their smaller size, they offer you comparatively better vision.

Since Fortnite is a third-person shooter, the playable character takes up some space. If you’re using a large skin like Thanos or Brutus, they can take up a lot of screen real estate. Because of this, you may have difficulty when trying to aim (ADS). You can see the difference between small and large skin in the image below:

Also, you can’t afford to limit your screen during ranked matches or competitive tournaments. By choosing a smaller skin, you get more screen space. This gives you better vision to hunt down your enemies. You also have a small chance of eluding your opponents due to this smaller size.

Being smaller in size, these skins present a smaller target. It’s not because of the smaller hitboxes, but because they’re a bit harder to hit and better hidden. So, Fortnite players don’t use female skins because of the smaller hitbox. But simply because of their smaller size, as they take up less space on the screen.

Are female/girl skins better?

The answer to this question is no. The female skins are no better than the rest of the Fortnite skins as all skins have the same hitboxes. But that being said, female skins or other smaller skins have some advantages over larger skins. These include better vision, more chance to evade opponents, and easier ADS.

If you do not want to choose a female skin, we suggest choosing other skinny male character skins. You can choose character skins like Lucien West or Deku. We recommend choosing an Aura skin that is best for combat and mobility. You can check out our guide on how to unlock the Aura skin for more information.

That’s all why Fortnite Pro players use female skins. If you liked this guide, check out our guides on how to tag enemies, what items are OG, build tips and methods, and other Fortnite guides in our dedicated section.