TuneIn puts your favorite radio stations on an interactive world map

TuneIn puts its radio stations on an interactive map, providing a different perspective on radios around the world.

TuneIn is one of the best apps for those who want to listen to digital radio. With a catalog more than provided, it is possible to connect to the waves of well-known stations, as well as to local radio stations, very targeted. And now, with this new feature, you can view their location on a world map. The most pleasing effect.

TuneIn places its radio stations on an interactive map

TuneIn has really added a new way to discover new radio stations among the more than 100,000 offered on its service. This week, the company took advantage of World Radio Day, February 13th, to initiate the rollout of TuneIn Explorer.

This feature is very simple: it involves grouping all radio stations available through TuneIn on an interactive map, allowing users to see where a particular radio station, popular or not, is located in France or on the other side of the globe. You can access the map by going to the TuneIn website on your computer or mobile device. The company has also integrated some very useful filters, for example to refine the selection of stations according to their genre or language. And you can apply multiple filters if you want a more specific set of results. The map also has a search function and even displays emergency broadcast stations.

Offering another look at radio around the world

However, no one knows when this feature will appear in the TuneIn app. Until then, you can enjoy it via browser, desktop, or mobile, and it should teach you a few things. This interactive map allows you to take a fresh look at this old radio technology, whether it’s to (re)discover radio stations in your birthplace or immerse yourself in learning a foreign language.