With the release of the limited access beta version of Counter Strike 2, many players will find out about the new changes in CS2. If you haven’t received an Early Access invite, don’t worry. You won’t have to wait until summer 2023 to find out about the changes to this game. We understand how important it is to learn new competitive game mechanics. Especially when it comes to such a dynamic shooter as CSGO. In this guide, we will explain all the new updates in CSGO 2.
What are the new changes in Counter Strike 2 compared to CSGO?
With the CSGO update to the Source 2 engine, the Counter-Strike community has received a lot of the updates they’ve been asking for. Along with this, there are a few gameplay mechanic changes such as map changes and smoke grenade dynamics. Valve has released three new CS2 change videos, and we’ll cover them all.
Here are all the changes in Counter Strike 2:
- Volumetric and interactive smoke grenades
- New Sub-Tick Server System
- Map update
- UI update
- Updated sound effects
Volumetric and interactive smoke grenades
Smoke grenades are responsible for some of the wildest ninja disables in CSGO. However, the new and improved smokes in Counter Strike 2 are now interactive. This means that if you shoot over the edge of the smoke, they will create a hole through which you can see. Moreover, if you throw a grenade, the smoke will dissipate completely for a moment.
Another change to the smoke grenade is that it is voluminous. This means that it will fill the space like real smoke. This can affect old one-way smokes that players take advantage of.
New Sub-Tick Server System
One of the main complaints of players about CSGO was the speed of 64 ticks. In a dynamic shooter, every fraction of a second counts. But what if the game can’t immediately register your action? This was a problem with old CSGO servers.
However, the new CS2 boasts a completely new server system that is not affected by the tickrate. This means that the server will know the exact moment you shot or jumped according to the new video. However, due to the change in the tick rate, players may have to re-learn all the compositions of the utilities.
Map update
If you want to succeed in CSGO, then you must be aware of every nook and cranny of the cards. Since the new CS2 is based on the Source 2 engine, the maps had to have new changes. According to a new video by Valve, the maps in Counter Strike 2 will get a new look. Now they are brighter and have brighter colors. However, you don’t have to relearn every map in the game. When updating maps, Valve used three approaches:
- Touchstone: These cards have minimal changes, such as improved lighting and stats.
- Improvements: These maps use the new Source 2 lighting. This means maps like Nuke will look better than their old version.
- Overhaul: These old maps have been rebuilt from the ground up with all the tools and rendering features of the Source 2 engine.
In addition, these tools are available to community mappers to make it easier for them to experiment with maps.
User interface and visual updates
Image Source: Anomaly on Youtube
Counter-Strike 2 also features a brand new UI design and visual updates. UI updates include changes to the bullet counter, health and shield status, kill feed, and more. When you make kills, they will be presented at the bottom of the screen in the form of playing cards.
In addition to the user interface, the game boasts more intense visuals. It includes hit-based targeted blood effects. Now you can view your legs and shadows. Many professional players and content creators have suggested that this is done to include shoe skins in the game.
Updated sound effects
The new CSGO 2 has a redesigned sound system. Along with changes to gunshot sounds, you can now learn more about the player’s position through audio cues. According to the developers, the sound has been redesigned for a better and more comfortable experience.
This concludes our guide to all the changes in Counter Strike 2. For more content like Best Stats Tracker, be sure to visit our CSGO section.