Polyarc Launches Competitive VR Multiplayer

Exclusively for owners of Meta Quest 2, a closed test of a new license from the American studio Polyarc will take place from April 14 to 16.

After the puzzle platformer with Moss, Polyarc remains in the VR market and diversifies its development portfolio with competitive multiplayer. The project, which doesn’t yet have an official name, is something gaming industry veterans Bungie and Rockstar Games have been aiming to develop since the indie studio’s founding in 2015.

So what have you been doing at @PolyarcGames ⁉️ You know, just developing a competitive multiplayer VR game that we can’t wait for you to test it in a couple of weeks.

Registration is now open: https://t.co/XDsrB0oXeq #vr #Multiplayer #videogames pic.twitter.com/iRVT3qGen5

– Moss: Book II – The Game Awards “Best VR/AR Game”(@PolyarcGames) March 21, 2023

Tam Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of Polyarc, said:

We are happy to see that the VR audience continues to grow, now it has tens of millions of gamers, and every year there are more comfortable and more affordable headsets. As a game development studio committed to making games for everyone, we want to find ways to reach more audiences in VR and even create space for new people to join us. With that in mind, increasing the number of players gives us the opportunity to try out the ideas we have for multiplayer gameplay that can offer more to competitive players.

VR remains a priority for Polyarc

Registration for closed testing of a new VR game from Polyarc is open. Tam Armstrong adds:

Looking at the gaming community and taking into account some of our own feedback, it’s clear that there are many gamers in VR looking for and wanting to play more competitive multiplayer games. We are excited about this opportunity as VR offers exciting multiplayer gaming experiences. The ability to read another player’s focus and intent as they move their head and arms is part of what makes face-to-face games so appealing. We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on and how much fun we’ve had playing it.