How to Level Up and Gain Points Quickly in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Tips for Leveling Up Quickly in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

To begin with, the level cap in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is hypothetical. This implies that you can keep gaining experience points until you have all the talents you require. There are ways to speed up the process, so don’t panic if it takes a while.

Where to Get XP

But first, let’s go over how to get in-game experience:

  • killing adversaries
  • Killing legendary adversaries
  • completing sidequests and main quest objectives
  • seeking out new locales
  • Utilizing Essence Crystals to gain experience points
  • scanning things
  • Defusing Force Tear difficulties
  • Essential Force Echoes (i.e., those at the end of major arcs show a dialogue between characters, giving you a lot of XP)

Increasing XP Gains: A Guide

Finding a good location where you can dispatch enemies as rapidly as possible is a tried-and-true way to advance your leveling. Similarly, if you can defeat an elite opponent, you can force it to respawn by taking a break at a Meditation Circle. This enables you to repeatedly farm that target.

Similar to that, in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you should purchase the following two bonuses to level up more quickly and gain more XP:

  • Increases experience points (XP) received from beating adversaries; takes up three slots.
  • Gambler: Costs four slots, increases experience gained, but prevents restoration after death.

Zee at Pyloon’s Bar will accept Datadiscs in exchange for Wisdom. While in Jedha, one can acquire Gambler by defeating the Sutaban Legendary Beast (which also happens to require a means of passing through green barriers).

By interacting with a Meditation Circle and looking in the Perks menu, you can equip these. Just keep in mind that each one needs slots to be open.