Apple unveiled several new features at WWDC23, including NameDrop, Live Stickers, StandBy, and a new Diary app that will be included with iOS 17. Yet in addition to these new capabilities, iOS 17 now introduces Live Voicemail, a new feature that enhances the Phone app’s quality of life.
Here is everything you need to know about Live Voicemail in iOS 17 in case you somehow missed Apple’s biggest event of 2023 and are curious what this new feature is actually all about.
How does iOS 17’s Live Voicemail work?
Live Voicemail enables you to listen to a voicemail being sent by a contact while simultaneously reading a transcription of it. You can pick up the call while they’re still on the line if it’s about something you need to talk about right immediately, or you can decline the call and call them back later.

Source: Apple
Apart from that, Apple also says that unknown numbers will automatically go to Live Voicemail without ringing you. All you have to do is Silence Unknown Callers. To do so, go to Settings → Phone → toggle on Silence Unknown Callers.
How does iOS 17’s Live Voicemail function on an iPhone?
Apple claims that Live Voicemail improves privacy by transcribing the message locally using the Neural Engine on your iPhone. A potent chip called the Neural Engine is built within the SoC of your iPhone and is intended to tackle difficult tasks like picture recognition and natural language processing.
The Neural Engine on your iPhone utilizes machine learning to convert the caller’s words into text as they start to leave a voicemail and displays them on the iPhone’s call screen.
How to utilize iPhone Live Voicemail
You don’t need to take any special action. For iOS 17’s Live Voicemail feature. On iOS 17, Live Voicemail is turned on by default.
Here’s how to utilize it on your iPhone if you unintentionally turned it off, though.
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Navigate to Phone → Live Voicemail.
- Enable the toggle next to Live Voicemail.
On your iPhone’s call screen, a real-time transcription will now appear anytime a caller starts to leave a voicemail.
Which versions of the iPhone have Live Voicemail?
Even while Apple hasn’t made any official announcements about Live Voicemail’s availability, it’s safe to assume that all iPhone models that will receive iOS 17 in September will support the feature. But, you may read our post about the new features in iOS 17 and supported devices if you’re not sure if your iPhone is compatible with it.
Overall, Live Voicemail with iOS 17 provides a great way to keep in touch without having to answer every call that comes in to your iPhone while filtering out critical ones. Hence, if feature becomes generally accessible with iOS 17 sometime in September, Live Voicemail is probably worth a try if you’re searching for a method to enhance your voicemail experience.