Monsters play a huge role in Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince. Psaro will always need to rely on his party of monsters to get through any tough battle. You will encounter more than 500 Monsters during the game and come across mighty creatures like Nokturnus, Zoma, Razerburn, and True Dragonlord. If you need help while making a scouting decision, here is a list you can refer to that includes all the Small and Large Monsters you will find.
All Monsters in Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince Monster

- Aamon
- Abracadabrador
- Abyssal dragon
- Admirer
- Airbagon
- Alarmour
- Angel slime
- Antguzzler
- Archdemon
- Armoured scorpion
- Armoured wartoise
- Atlas
- Avarith
- Avian android
- Awebergine
- Axesaurus
- Bag o’ laughs
- Bag o’ sweets
- Bag o’ tricks
- Bagworm
- Baleen mage
- Balhib
- Bamboogieman
- Bambooligan
- Bantamweight
- Baramos
- Barbarus
- Barbatos
- Barracuda
- Beanie meanie
- Behemoth slime
- Beleth
- Belial
- Belisha beakon
- Beshemoth slime
- Bilhaw
- Black dragon
- Blinkster
- Bloodbonnet
- Bloody hand
- Bludgerigar
- Blue moon
- Bobonga
- Bodkin archer
- Bodkin fletcher
- Bomboulder
- Bone baron
- Bone idol
- Bones of Baramos
- Bongo drongo
- Bongo fandango
- Boppin’ badger
- Boreal serpent
- Boss troll
- Box slime
- Brimstone bulb
- Briny bronco
- Brollygagger
- Brownie
- Bubble slime
- Buddy slime
- Bullfinch
- Bunicorn
- Buntzenberner
- Cactiball
- Calasmos
- Calypso king
- Candy cat
- Cannibox
- Cannonbrawler
- Capsichum
- Carnivine
- Cauldragon
- Cetacean sorcerer
- Cheater cheetah
- Chihuawyrm
- Chimaera
- Chocolate golem
- Chocolate whisp
- Clawvus
- Clobster
- Clockwork cuckoo
- Cloud surfer
- Cococoa blobelisk
- Coralossus
- Corpsickle
- Corvus
- Cosmic chimaera
- Crabid
- Croc-a-bugle-doo
- Cross eye
- Crowgre
- Cruelcumber
- Crème caraslime
- Cumaulus
- Cureslime
- Cursed crooner
- Cyber slime
- Cyclops
- Cyclown
- Damselfly
- Dancing devil
- Dancing flame
- Dangler fish
- Dark Hare
- Dark king slime
- Dark sabrecub
- Dark slime
- Darkling
- Dead resident
- Demon-at-arms
- Dessert demon
- Diamond slime
- Discombombulator
- Disfigurine
- Don Mole
- Dora-in-Grey
- Drackolyte
- Dracky
- Drackyma
- Drag racer
- Dragon rider
- Dragon slime
- Dragonlord
- Dragonthorn
- Drake slime
- Drakulard
- Drakularge
- Dread dragon
- Dread dragooner
- Drohl drone
- Drooling ghoul
- Dullahan
- Eggsoskeleton
- Emperor slime
- Equinox
- Erazor blade
- Escudogre
- Estark
- Estark Izmah
- Ethereal serpent
- Ewwnicorn
- Face invader
- Fandangow
- Fat rat
- Feral slime
- Feralball
- Fightgeist
- Firebird
- Firespirit
- Firn fiend
- Fizzy
- Flamethrower
- Flapdragon
- Float-o-copier
- Fluffy
- Flurry fiend
- Flutter slime
- Flying saucers
- Flython
- Foebergine
- Foo dog
- Fowl beast
- Freezing fog
- Fright bulb
- Fright knight
- Frightening conductor
- Frolicker
- Fromage fey
- Fromage fray
- Frostburn
- Funghoul
- Gander
- Gangleclaw
- Garuda
- Gasbagon
- Gem slime
- Ghost
- Gigantes
- Giruffian
- Gnumesis
- Gnuriel
- Golem
- Goobonce
- Goodybag
- Goomulonimbus
- Goonache goodie
- Goreham-Hogg
- Goresby-Purrvis
- Grandpa slime
- Graven idol
- Great argon lizard
- Great dragon
- Great keeper
- Great sabrecat
- Great sabrecub
- Greater platypunk
- Green bogey
- Green dragon
- Gremlin
- Greygnarl
- Grillerpillar
- Grim keeper
- Grim rider
- Grincinerator
- Grinferno
- Gripevine
- Grotwyrm
- Grrrgoyle
- Gryphon
- Guaardvark
- Hacksaurus
- Hades condor
- Ham shamwitch
- Hammerhood
- Hard-boiled eggsoskeleton
- Hargon
- Harmour
- Hawk man
- Headless horseman
- Healslime
- Heligator
- Hell gladiator
- Hell niño
- Hellbound hair-raiser
- Hellbound horror
- Hellion
- Hellspawn
- Hocus-poker
- Hood
- Hooper trooper
- Hootingham-Gore
- Horriflying saucers
- Hunter mech
- Hybird
- Hyperanemon
- Hyperboarean
- Hypothermion
- Imp
- Infernal serpent
- Iron maiden
- Ironclad wartoise
- Jailcat
- Jargon
- Jasper
- Jester slime
- Jinkster
- Jowler
- Jugular joker
- Jumping jackal
- Khalamari kid
- Killer gila
- Killerpillar
- Killing machine
- King bubble slime
- King cureslime
- King foo dog
- King Hydra
- King jester slime
- King kelp
- King slick slime
- King slime
- King squid
- Kisser
- Knight abhorrent
- Knight errant
- Komodo
- Krystalinda
- Ladja
- Lampling
- Leafy larrikin
- Leery lout
- Liege lizard
- Lips
- Liquid metal slime
- Living statue
- Lord of the Dragovians
- Low djinks
- Lumbering lizard
- Luminous lampling
- Lump shaman
- Lump wizard
- Lunatick
- Luneyetic
- Macho Picchu
- Mad mollusk
- Magmalice
- Malroth
- Mandrake major
- Mandrake marshal
- Mangleclaw
- Maniacal mole
- Marrow escapee
- Mecha-mynah
- Mechan-o’-wyrm
- Meowgician
- Merman
- Metal dragon
- Metal king slime
- Metal scorpion
- Metal slime
- Metal slime knight
- Mimic
- Mimic with cheese
- Minidemon
- Mischievous mole
- Missing lynx
- Mitey Oak
- Mogus
- Mohawker
- Monolog
- Moosifer
- Mordegon, Lord of Shadows
- Morphean mushroom
- Mortamor
- Mortoad
- Mottle she-slime
- Mottle slime
- Mouldy slime
- Mouseflap
- Mud mannequin
- Muddy hand
- Mudraker
- Mummy boy
- Murdaw
- Napir
- Nardragon
- Ne’er-do-well
- Nelgel
- Night clubber
- Night knight
- Night sneaker
- Nimzo
- Noble gasbagon
- Nokturnus
- Notso macho
- Octopot
- Odd cob
- Ogre
- One-man army
- Onion slime
- Orc
- Orc king
- Orgodemir
- Ornery onion
- Orochi
- Overkilling machine
- Overtoad
- Palooka prawn
- Pan piper
- Pandora’s box
- Paralyslicer
- Parched peckerel
- Pasty pastry
- Pazuzu
- Peeper
- Penteractic Guardian
- Phantom fencer
- Phantom swordsman
- Phoenix
- Pickayune
- Picksy
- Platypunk
- Pocus poppet
- Pogoin’ penguin
- Powie yowie
- Prancing pillar
- Prism peacock
- Pruslas
- Psaro the Manslayer
- Psaro’s Pawn
- Pteranodon
- Puffpoise
- Purrgatroyd
- Putrefido
- Queen slime
- Rabid rector
- Ramia
- Raptile
- Rashaverak
- Ratatattack
- Razerburn
- Restless armour
- Rhapthorne
- Rhinoceraxe
- Ripped rabbit
- Robber rabbit
- Rockbomb
- Rockin’ rockhopper
- Roistering rooster
- Ronin Raccoon
- Roseguardin
- Rotten cotton
- Royal reptile
- Rubble slime
- Saccharine sacksquatch
- Sacksquatch
- Saltwater stallion
- Scallop slime
- Scarfish
- Scissor beatle
- Scornet
- Scourgette
- Scruffy
- Sculptrice
- Scuttle slime
- See urchin
- Sekerleton
- Serpent of the scales
- Shadow
- Shadow slime
- Sham hatwitch
- She-slime
- Shell slime
- Shivery shrubbery
- Shogum
- Silvapithecus
- Silver sabrecat
- Silver serpent
- Sintaur
- Sir Leopold
- Skelegon
- Skeleton
- Skeleton soldier
- Skeleton swordsman
- Skellyfish
- Skipper
- Skullrider
- Slick slime
- Slime
- Slime knight
- Slime snack
- Slime stack
- Slimeshroom
- Slionheart
- Small fry
- Snail slime
- Snipevine
- Snowbird
- Snowgre
- Snowmangler
- Soft serve spook
- Soulspawn
- Soy soldier
- Spiked hare
- Spinchilla
- Spiny slime
- Spitnik
- Spitzfire
- Splatypunk
- Sprite bulb
- Stabosaur
- Stark raven
- Stone golem
- Stout troll
- String fella
- Stump chump
- Succubat
- Suckling ocker
- Sugar baddie
- Sugarstar slime
- Sunset sultan
- Superior slime
- Sweaty yeti
- Swingre
- Tantamount
- Tartarus eagle
- Teeny sanguini
- Tentacular
- The Almighty
- The Time Being
- Thriller wave
- Tigergram
- Toady
- Togre
- Tortoceratops
- Tortured soul
- Trauminator
- Tree feller
- Treeface
- Triple splaty
- True Dragonlord
- Tuffpoise
- Tufty tot
- Tundragster
- Tuskateer
- Tyrannoceratops
- Umbra
- Ursa major
- Ursa mega
- Vampire cat
- Vegandragora
- Walking corpse
- Warhog
- Wax murderer
- Weaken beakon
- Weartiger
- Well wisher
- Whizzard
- Wight king
- Wild slime
- Wing slime
- Winky
- Woebergine
- Wrecktor
- Wyrmhole dragon
- Wyrtle
- Wyrtoise
- Wyvern
- Xenlon
- Zamtasm
- Zaptile
- Zenith Dragon
- Zoma
- Überkilling machine
These are all the monsters you will find in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince. Now that you know about all these creatures, you can also learn how you can unlock Synthesis and how you can get all the Large Monsters in the game, right here on Gamer Tweak.