Infinite Craft: How To Make Hope

How to Get Hope in Infinite Craft

Infinite Craft How To Make Hope
Image Credits – Neal.Fun

In order to make Hope, players will have to combine Rainbow and Obama together. As easy as this sounds, getting both of these elements is quite tricky, especially Obama. Therefore, to make this complicated process simpler, we can further break it down and focus on getting both of these ingredients first.

How to Make Rainbow in Infinite Craft

  1. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  2. Smoke + Smoke = Cloud
  3. Cloud + Cloud = Rain
  4. Rain + Rain = Rainbow

How to Make Obama in Infinite Craft

  1. Water + Water = Lake
  2. Lake + Water = Ocean
  3. Ocean + Earth = Island
  4. Island + Earth = Continent
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Water = Cloud
  7. Cloud + Sun = Rainbow
  8. Continent + Rainbow = America
  9. America + Human = President
  10. President + Human = Obama

Now, all you need to do is combine both of them to create Hope –

  • Rainbow + Obama = Hope

All Crafting Recipes with Hope in Infinite Craft

  • Hope + Hope = Faith
  • Hope + Faith = Love
  • Hope + Love = Angel
  • Hope + Rainbow = Promise
  • Hope + Fog = Mist
  • Hope + Fire = Phoenix
  • Hope + Phoenix = Resurrection
  • Hope + Resurrection = Jesus
  • Hope + Ocean = Titanic
  • Hope + Stone = Statue
  • Hope + Time = Patience