Far Cry 6 players who have logged out now receive emails from Ubisoft with their taunts

Far Cry 6, one of the biggest releases of the year and a veritable showcase of next-gen hardware, should have attracted a lot of players to the launch. But as is the case with most major AAA releases, the number of active players in the game starts to dwindle as the weeks go by, but it looks like Ubisoft might not be content with players abandoning their game.

In a completely bizarre turn of events, Far Cry 6 players who were seemingly logged out, resulting in meager stats and game time, are now receiving scathing emails from El Presidente himself. El Presidente, Anton Castillo, is the big bad guy in Far Cry 6 and Ubisoft sends emails to the player under Anton’s name in an attempt to lure him back into the game. Certainly an interesting tactic. However, this was not to be received positively by the entire gaming community and thus the fans were divided.

El Presidente will mock you if you exit Far Cry 6 halfway through

The letter contains certain statistics such as weapons collected, game hours, and enemies killed. Usually the letter is sent if the stats aren’t too important, as it forces the player to pick up the controller again and end El Presidente’s reign in Yar.

However, there is a possibility that this e-mail will only push them as it may cause the exact opposite reaction than intended. Ubisoft should do some research into this tactic, so it will be interesting to see what percentage of players actually return to Far Cry 6 after receiving the email.

However, not only did the players leave the game, but it seems that even if you fought diligently against Anton’s dictatorship, you will still be bullied. On the one hand, this is a very interesting way to show statistics to the player, on the other hand, it seems passive-aggressive for publishers to do this with their players. It could just be that the email was meant to be a statistic for the player whether they left or not, but to those who did, it looked like some sort of mockery.