Here’s How EA And DICE Are Fixing Battlefield 2042: A Huge Update Coming To December

After much fanfare, Battlefield 2042 is finally out, and up to this point, the response has been far from optimal. The warm reception from fans and critics is due to the apparent lack of polish when it comes to the game, as well as the many bugs and balancing issues that seem to detract from the game’s core quality.

Battlefield 2042’s public debut was far from the best, and the game now has a “mostly negative”rating on Steam due to launch issues. Dice is still hard at work trying to bring the game up to standard and hopefully win back a lot of the fans who feel like the game isn’t up to par. To that end, Dice just went into detail about their areas of focus when it comes to Battlefield 2042 and what the roadmap for the game looks like.

Dice details updates and fixes coming to Battlefield 2042 in the future

Dice has confirmed that at least two major updates to the game will be available in the next few weeks, including one major update in December. Along with this, the development team assured fans that they will indeed be working on bringing back legacy features such as the scoreboard, server browser, and voice chat. Update #2 for the game will be available on Thursday, November 25th, followed by another major update #3 in early December.

The main directions of Battlefield 2042, detailed by DICE:

  1. Performance and stability (servers, hardware)

2. Shootout and balance

Update #2:

  • Reduced global spread when zooming and moving
  • Improved stationary zoom accuracy for many weapons.
  • Spread now decreases faster and earlier when placing shots. This means more success when firing single shots or short bursts.
  • The vertical recoil of the PP-29 has been increased to ensure that the weapon will not malfunction when fired beyond its intended combat range.

Update #3

  • Fixed an issue that caused the spread to be too large when attempting to shoot while zoomed right after sprinting for some portal weapons.
  • Reduced effectiveness of NTW-50 against vehicles.

3. Portal user experience progression in single player/co-op.

For a full list and breakdown of the changes and fixes coming to Battlefield 2042 in the next few weeks, check out the Dice Briefing, linked here.