On iOS, Google Fit can now measure heart rate

Google Fit on iOS now lets you measure your heart rate, a feature that can come in handy in certain situations.

Today, connected objects designed to monitor physical activity and, in general, health are so affordable, and the offer is so diverse, that it’s really hard not to find a tracker or smartwatch that can’t measure your heart rate. That being said, if you don’t plan to buy such a device, don’t panic. Indeed, there are mobile applications that allow you to do this. This was the case recently with Google Fit on iOS.

Google Fit on iOS now lets you measure your heart rate

Indeed, Google recently updated its Google Fit app for iOS. It can now measure the user’s heart rate using the iPhone’s camera. All the user has to do is put their finger on the iPhone’s camera sensor and lightly press it. The app will then analyze finger color changes very accurately to calculate your heart rate.

A feature that may come in handy in certain situations

The whole process takes about 30 seconds, after which the result is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Some time ago, Google introduced this same feature in their Android app. So it makes sense that it will appear on the iPhone, and a little later, since Android is owned by Mountain View. At the same time, this feature allows you to capture the heartbeat at any time t, unlike wearable devices, activity trackers or smartwatches that can do this all the time.

However, this feature can come in handy if you feel like something is wrong with your body. However, Google states that this feature is by no means meant to be used as a diagnostic tool, but as said above, it can be useful if you feel unwell. You can then take these results to your doctor for further testing.