The NFT was accidentally sold for $3,000 instead of $300,000.

The NFT was sold for $3,000 instead of $300,000. A typo, a little inattention and.. .

There is a lot of hype and a certain amount of frenzy around NFT at the moment. The idea that one can technically “own”digital content is perhaps a whole new concept for many people, and indeed, lately we have seen some of these NFTs reach completely insane values, for which, after all, nothing more than a simple digital drawing. The number of different facts related to these new digital assets is increasing.

The NFT was sold for $3,000 instead of $300,000.

That being said, it looks like someone who owned the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT lost a large amount of money. Indeed, according to a CNET report, the owner of the NFT in question, Max, put it up for sale for 0.75 ETH. It seems that it was originally planned to sell not 0.75, but 75 ETH. Typo – and voila, NFT is sold at a hundredth of the estimated value.

Unfortunately for Max, the NFT was sold almost instantly, for about $3,000 instead of the $300,000 its owner was hoping to get from him. It also appears that the person who bought it is actually a bot specially made to search the markets for dumped NFTs, buy and resell at a pretty good margin.

A typo, a little inattention and.. .

The bot even spent an additional $30,000 to speed up the transaction. In other words, the NFT will cost at least $37,000, which is already a good amount, but the fact that it can be resold for $300,000 means that profits should be maximized for the manager of this bot.

Asked by CNET, Max said, “How did this happen? I think it’s a moment of inattention. I see a lot of things every day and don’t pay much attention. I immediately noticed my mistake the moment my finger clicked, but the bot sent a transaction with over 8 ETH [$34,000] for gas, so the item was instantly sold before I could hit cancel, and voila, $250,000 has disappeared. ”