Reddit comes alive with several new features

Reddit is introducing new features to make it a little more “alive”. Subreddits and posts open in real time.

Reddit has several million users, many of whom are probably using the platform at the same time as you. By the way, when you get to a subreddit, you can see how many users are online on that subreddit, but Reddit hopes to make its platform a little more “alive”by introducing a number of new features.

Reddit introduces new features to get a little more “alive”

Among the innovations, we note the animation during the voting. In this way, it becomes possible to see how the number of votes increases and decreases in real time, so that it is easier to see if users are voting positively or negatively and how often, so to speak. This also applies to comments. Thus, you can immediately know if the post is popular at the moment and to what extent it can cause a reaction.

Realtime invites itself to subreddits and posts

Speaking of comments, there are now read and write indicators. This way, users can see how many people are reading a particular post at a particular time and how many people are currently typing a comment on that post. Again, these are very interesting indicators for assessing the activity of the discussion.

Reddit has also introduced a new little bubble that will notify users whenever a new comment is posted. Clicking or tapping on a comment will take you straight to the comments and place you in the reply queue properly so you can be sure you’re up to date, so to speak.

These changes are usually already implemented. They should work on the web, as well as in the iOS and Android versions of the app. Feel free to check it out yourself.