VR helmets for cows stuck indoors in winter

Virtual reality helmets for cows to help them produce more milk in winter.

The concept of virtual reality is to help create an immersive environment so that users can feel like they are in a completely different world. In most cases, this technology is used for video games, but its application is actually much more diverse. Did you know, for example, that virtual reality has found its place in agriculture? Cows are really starting to wear VR helmets!

Cow virtual reality helmets

Destination Aksaray, Türkiye. The cows are locked inside to spend the winter warm, but are allowed to use virtual reality headsets to give the impression that they are actually outside, in much more pleasant weather conditions. Apparently, this initiative was taken to help increase the milk yield of cows. And it looks like it works! Without helmets, cows produce about 21.58 liters per day. Now with a helmet, they produce 26.5 liters per day.

to help them produce more milk in winter

In any case, this is not the first time we hear about such a method in agriculture. A few years ago, this concept was tested in a region where winter reigns all year round, if possible, in Moscow, Russia. The cows have been fitted with virtual reality helmets to help them reduce anxiety levels and improve milk production. According to the results of the tests, it turned out that this solution works.

Cattle breeder Izzet Kochak seems to be very pleased with the results of this experiment anyway, so much so that he now intends to purchase 10 additional helmets to be able to use them on more of his cows and enjoy increasing their daily milk production.