Sony Announces Free Online Multiplayer Games on PlayStation Plus: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

PlayStation will soon offer a free online multiplayer weekend for three games – Call of Duty Vanguard, Grand Theft Auto V and NBA 2K22. From December 18 at 00:01 (local time) until December 19 at 23:59, players will be able to play the online multiplayer components of these games for free without a PlayStation Plus membership.

Players will need a PlayStation Network account for this to work, as well as owning these games. The game itself will not be available for free this weekend and must be purchased separately. All three of these games have fairly extensive multiplayer components, especially GTA Online, which should be the main attraction during this Free Online Multiplayer Weekend.

GTA Online, Call of Duty Vanguard and NBA 2K22 on PlayStation Plus Online Multiplayer Weekend

PlayStation Plus weekend multiplayer online games will be available for free on both PS4 and PS5. It will be interesting to see if Sony decides to make more of them and run these free online multiplayer weekends more often. He revealed earlier this month that PlayStation does indeed plan to compete with Xbox Game Pass with a similar service set to launch during spring 2022.

Game Pass has been at the forefront of Xbox since before the next generation of consoles, and it has taken a huge hit in the gaming community. Game Pass single-handedly made a difference for the Xbox and continues to be one of the most important factors working in favor of new consoles.

The Xbox Game Pass was also priced reasonably so it was a success in many parts of the world including India. Come next year and it will be interesting to see what Sony has up its sleeve and whether their new service can compete with Game Pass.