Sony plans to introduce a PlayStation service similar to Xbox Game Pass

According to a new Bloomberg report, PlayStation is currently planning a new subscription service similar to Xbox Game Pass to compete with the rival brand’s service. Xbox Game Pass has become incredibly popular since its launch and has apparently led to a resurgence of the Xbox brand.

The PlayStation service, codenamed “Spartacus”, will likely offer a service similar to Game Pass, allowing players to access a large selection of games for a subscription fee. The service will reportedly be available on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. The service is set to launch next spring, and that’s just around the corner.

PlayStation plans service similar to Xbox Game Pass

PlayStation currently has several subscription services, namely Plus and Now. Plus gives you access to in-game multiplayer as well as a couple of free games every month, while PlayStation Now allows users to stream and play from a wide range of games, including past generations like Red Dead Redemption.

While those two have been reasonably successful, Game Pass has pretty much pushed every other service out of the water. With the release of PlayStation on PC, perhaps a service like Game Pass will benefit the brand by attracting a whole new segment of the gaming audience. As an added bonus, this will also make the PS5 an incredibly compelling purchase, especially since Game Pass has been one of the biggest influencers on the Xbox Series X/S.

It will be interesting to see what kind of offer this service will offer and if Sony can participate in the first day of access to games.