Apple’s first mixed reality headset reportedly focuses on gaming

Apple’s first mixed reality headset will focus on video games. Then media content and communications.

Apple is working on a virtual/augmented/mixed reality headset. This brand new product for the Apple brand could even be released in 2022. It’s hard to know the Cupertino company’s exact plans for this helmet at this stage, but according to Mark’s Power On Gourman newsletter, the American giant should be focusing on video games for its first mixed reality headset, as well as media content and communications.

Apple’s first mixed reality headset designed for video games

According to Mark Gurman: “Video gaming should be a very definite focus on this machine, especially since it will have multiple processors, a fan, very high resolution displays and its own app store. Expect Apple to position this device as a game developer’s dream. Then comes media consumption.”

Then media content and communications

And the reporter added, “I expect Apple to work with media partners to create content that can be viewed in virtual reality on a device. Third, communications. Expect Animoji and FaceTime-style VR experiences, a kind of next-gen Zoom.”Some even think that the Cupertino-based company will be looking to create its own metaverse using technology like Meta, which already has devices like Oculus.

In truth, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has already “predicted”that the Apple brand could replace its iPhone with such a device in the next ten years, but we’ll have to wait to see how the situation develops and whether this first launch succeeds is reassuring to the American giant even before it imagined the disappearance of the iPhone in favor of such a product.