Audiobook in 2022: an alternative to a paper book

With the rapid development of the Internet and the emergence of new communication channels, the book industry has undergone profound changes.

In 2022, audiobooks will emerge as an alternative designed to support the production and sale of books, including online. Dot.

The context of book evolution: the place of the audiobook in 2022

In 2022, literature is written and published online. Authors can increasingly make a name for themselves and sell their work through digital publishing platforms, especially as audiobooks. In addition, the book is considered a cultural asset and a national treasure, which, finally, thanks to digital technology, reaches the greatest amount in just a few seconds. Because of this, platforms like Audible offer a month-long trial that lets you get a free audiobook. The brand’s audiobooks can be downloaded and read on a variety of media such as iPhones and iPads, as well as Android tablets and smartphones.

Why turn to an audiobook?

An audiobook is a book that is read aloud. It was developed in the early 1970s to make books accessible to people who are visually impaired or who cannot stand on their own to read a book.

Since then, it has established itself as an ideal alternative to a paper book. The latter allows you to read (listen to) a book when you are in public transport or in public places. It should also be noted that the audiobook is very popular among people with vision problems and those whose professional activities do not give a break. Indeed, thanks to text-reading technology, an audiobook is a fully functional alternative to reading a paper book.

Who is the audiobook for?

The audiobook is intended for all readers and book lovers, young and old, sighted and visually impaired. In addition, audiobooks are becoming more and more popular as they attract an audience that cannot afford wide access to classic books. This is also because audiobooks are a very interesting alternative for people who work all day and can’t devote much time to reading.

Benefits of Downloadable Audiobook Format


An audiobook is a very practical and affordable solution for reading your digital books because you don’t need to be online to listen to an audiobook. Therefore, you can do it everywhere: at home, on a walk, in a car, on a train or subway, on a bus or any other transport. .. saving your time at the same time.

Ideal for concentration

An audiobook is a great way to develop concentration and cognitive skills. You focus on listening to a book and nothing else, which is highly recommended for stress relief.


You can read your audiobooks anywhere and anytime with your mobile phone thanks to the right format. This feature is especially handy if you don’t have a computer, travel a lot, use public transport a lot, and have always wanted to read but couldn’t.


Audiobooks are very small in size and can be easily stored on your mobile phone. They take up much less space than paper books. They do not need to be hidden in a suitcase, you do not need to take them to the beach with you. You can play your audiobook anytime, anywhere.

like music

You can listen to an audiobook while doing something else. For example, you can listen to it while cooking or during a break at work. You don’t have to focus on listening and you can read much faster than in a paper book.

Economical and ecological

Audiobooks are very inexpensive. They cost less than paper books. In addition, by giving preference to audiobooks, you also save paper. So you are doing something for the planet. Do not forget that there is no small participation! To your ears!