Will the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 have a body temperature sensor?

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 may be equipped with a body temperature sensor. Samsung technology will be quite reliable and accurate.

When you are sick and go to the doctor, he sometimes takes your temperature. For the simple and good reason that an increase in body temperature, especially up to a certain point, can be a sign of fever. And today, in a pandemic, a fever can be a sign that you are testing positive for Covid-19. Samsung can make your life easier in this matter.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 may get a body temperature sensor

Always having a thermometer with you is not the most practical solution, it must be admitted. And the situation could even be rather strange if you regularly took it out to take the temperature. All of that could change with the arrival of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5. According to a report from Korean blog ETNEws, it looks like the South Korean giant has found a way to integrate a body temperature sensor into its smartwatches.

Samsung technology will be quite reliable and accurate

One problem with this type of sensor when placed on the wrist is that the measurement is not the most reliable. Simply because your body temperature in that particular location can be affected by a number of third-party factors, such as outside temperature, if you exercise, etc. The report claims that this is one of the reasons why Samsung does not integrated such a sensor into its previous smartwatches.

However, it appears that the South Korean firm has improved its technology enough to provide more reliable measurements. At the moment, no one knows how it all works, but if the information is confirmed, this could be a very interesting feature that can be worn on the wrist every day. It could also allow smartwatches to go even further as an aid in monitoring the overall health of young and old.