What if Twitter launches its own podcast platform?

Twitter may offer its own podcast platform. Jane Manchun Wong found a special tab.

Twitter is a microblogging platform, by which you mean that it allows you to post short messages. She does just that, and she does it very well. That’s not to say there aren’t many features, of course, but that’s really what it does. Today, she seems to be eyeing another increasingly popular activity : podcasting.

Twitter may offer its own podcast platform

Podcasts have been around for years, but their popularity has grown and accelerated in recent years, especially after Spotify’s acquisition of Joe Rogan’s podcast, for which the company reportedly paid a hefty $100 million (some even claim the bill was much higher).

It’s for this reason that it’s not surprising to learn that Twitter may be currently working on its own podcast platform. At least that’s what researcher Jane Manchun Wong says, who discovered that Twitter is currently testing a podcast tab on its mobile app. This tab will certainly group all the podcasts hosted on the platform, waiting to be discovered by users.

Jane Manchun Wong discovered a special tab

Twitter already has a large number of users and some of them use the platform as their main social network. By allowing creators to contact their subscribers directly in this way, it can help increase their engagement even further without having to host their content elsewhere, on platforms their subscribers may not be aware of.

That being said, since this is only a test, it is not possible at this stage to know whether Twitter will continue on this path or not, but when we know that Twitter has taken the train several times, so to speak, with already features seen on other social platforms, we tell ourselves that it is possible that podcasts will appear soon. To be continued!