iPhone Air, iPhone concept with a very successful folding screen

This folding screen iPhone concept is very successful. iPhone Air is a figment of the imagination of designer Antonio De Rosa.

There are currently countless rumors that Apple is working on a folding screen iPhone. It might have to wait a while before seeing such a device on the market if it actually becomes a reality, of course, and knowing too little about the project, it’s even hard to know what form factor it might come up with. Could it be a smartphone/tablet hybrid, or a device more like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3?

This folding screen iPhone concept is very successful

We don’t know the answer to this question, maybe even the Cupertino company doesn’t, but designer Antonio De Rosa decided to offer some 3D renderings of what such a foldable iPhone could look like. The man dubbed his creation iPhoen Air. And as usual, even if the result is very successful, you need to keep in mind that this is only a concept, and not a leak of any kind. This device came straight from the imagination of Antonio De Rosa.

iPhone Air is a figment of the imagination of designer Antonio De Rosa.

Judging by these images, the designer chose a flip phone concept similar to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip line, and it must be admitted that the result was very successful. Basically, it’s like an iPhone, with a large central hinge that folds it all up. This concept also includes some changes to the overall design, especially with regards to the notch and cameras on the back of the device.

So on the back of this iPhone Air is not only cameras, but also a screen to display a certain amount of information such as date, time, and notifications. Therefore, a very interesting and successful design, especially since it does not seem too unrealistic. Apple could very well offer something similar if the Apple brand one day launched an iPhone with a foldable screen.

At the same time, recent reports suggest that Apple has already tested a number of very different prototypes, but the American giant will still be very skeptical about this technology. The Apple brand may well decide to take its time and see where foldable screens go, so to speak, before launch.