How to know if your laptop is nearing the end of its life

There is nothing worse than an aging laptop. We quickly become disillusioned with everyday life. How do you know it’s time to change it?

Laptops have been around for a long time. The first machine that could be considered truly portable was, of course, the Osborne 1, released in 1981. It weighed over 11kg, had a 5-inch screen, and sold for $1,800 at the time – over $5,500 today. The car was a success, but sales quickly dropped as competition entered the market. Within two years, Osborne’s computers were gone.

Forty years later, the capabilities of our laptops have grown exponentially. Every new season, more powerful processors, more RAM, better screens, and since 2005, they’ve sold more than desktops. In today’s world, laptops are very practical products. Most commercial machines are even perfectly capable of doing the job, unless you have huge needs.

But how do you know when it’s time to replace your laptop? If your car is over 3 years old, it might be time to ask a question. Here’s how to decide whether to replace an aging car or, conversely, continue the adventure a bit.

When is a car really too old?

Buying a new computer is not easy, you need to take into account many options and parameters, the offer is colossal. Dell, for example, is selling the Inspiron for less than €300, which is ideal if you’re just browsing Instagram or Amazon, but completely unthinkable if you’re into making animated films. Apple, meanwhile, offers high-end MacBook Pros for over $6,500, but it’s going to be a waste of time if you’re only using the beast to play Wordle every morning.

Similarly, the decision to replace your laptop should start with the question: Does this machine fit your needs? If your computer turns on when you tell it to and does what you want, you can probably leave it until it shows real signs of aging (see below). On the other hand, if you’ve run out of storage and/or regularly get frustrated using it, it might be time to buy a new one.

Start by evaluating your current car. If you find it difficult to do this, consider its various categories. Is your computer the best it was when you bought it, or was it entry level? High-end machines are usually made from stronger materials and have a longer life because their components don’t age as quickly. If you bought a laptop with 16GB of RAM a few years ago, it’s probably still pretty good today. Compare the specifications of your machine with what is being produced today. If it’s still relevant, you can probably keep it for a few more years. A good way to quickly assess this is to contact third-party resellers, professional or private.

Signs of a machine at the end of its life

Depending on your needs, you can keep your laptop in an “unhealthy”state for a very long time. But there are some very clear signs that will make you decide. If you’re not smart enough to reinstall your entire operating system, here are signs that you should change your laptop before you really need it:

  • Slow startup: If your computer takes a few minutes to turn on and the same amount to fully start up, it’s probably time to change it.
  • Everything is slow: If your computer is giving you time for a coffee to just start Office, it might be time to change it.
  • Bug: All computers freeze from time to time, blue screen of death or something like that. But if it happens too often, it might be time to change it.
  • Too old for today’s standards: If your computer’s Wi-Fi card can’t connect to new networks, or if you can’t run the latest apps – and you can’t update your operating system, it might be time to change it.
  • Mechanical ominous signs: Your computer will certainly warn you of its impending death. If the fans are constantly spinning, making a lot of noise, this is a sign that the components are under too much stress even for basic tasks (especially if they behave this way after repair). A cranky touchscreen, a keyboard or trackpad, or even a thin hinge are all signs not to be overlooked.

Upgrade option

Depending on your level of knowledge, you can sometimes upgrade your machine a bit by making certain upgrades. Increasing the amount of RAM, replacing the battery, adding a larger hard drive can sometimes do the job well enough.

However, not all machines can be updated in this way. A simple look at the back of the device can tell you; if you see removable panels with screws, chances are you can replace some components. But you should do your best to find out what components can be supplied.

Also, if there is a newer version of your operating system and you can install it, you should do so, it will definitely improve the performance of your machine.

The decision to replace a laptop depends on your needs and your budget. Today, even an entry-level laptop can outlast the warranty period. Ultimately, you will make a decision based on your daily level of frustration.