Baby, HBO horror comedy

A dark and darkly funny look at motherhood.

In the Baby series, comedian Michelle De Swart plays 38-year-old Natasha, who is furious that all of her closest friends have children. But when she unexpectedly discovers that she has a child of her own, her life suddenly collapses. A manipulative, sadistic, but incredibly sweet child turns Natasha’s life into a surreal horror movie. As she discovers the true extent of the child’s mortal nature, Natasha makes increasingly desperate attempts to get rid of her. She doesn’t want a child. But the child definitely wants her.

Trailer of the movie “Baby”

Amira Gazalla will play Mrs. Eaves, a 70-year-old woman who has been living in her car for the past fifty years and seems to be everywhere the baby is, while Amber Grappy will play Bobby, Natasha’s little sister, a magical child who loves nothing more than being a mother. give love and receive it. The cast also includes Patrice Nayambana as Lyle, Natasha’s father, Sinead Cusack as Barbara, her mother, Shvorne Marks as Mags, Easy Sutty as Rita, Tanya Reynolds as Helen, Seyan Sarwan as Noor, Carl Davis as the roles of Jack and Divian Ladva as Fuz..

The eight-episode Baby will air on April 24 on HBO and later on HBO Max, Sky Atlantic and Now TV.