Netflix lets you like your favorite content

Netflix is ​​adding a “Two thumbs up”option to further narrow the recommendations.

There’s a big difference between liking a show and having it your favorite of all time. Netflix’s recommendation algorithm will soon be able to tell the difference between the two. The streaming service is adding a “two thumbs up”option to its rating system. Users will be able to find this option from today next to the traditional thumbs up and thumbs down on all devices.

Netflix Adds ‘Two Thumbs Up’ Option

How do you know if a TV series or movie deserves an endorsement or two? If you like a genre or style of content and want to see similar titles, just give it a thumbs up. For example, by giving one thumbs up to a series like Russian Doll, you will see more series in the detective and comedy-drama categories with a female main character. If you like a series like Inspector Barnaby, Netflix will bring you more British detective series.

to further refine the recommendations

But when you hit “Two Thumbs Up,”the Netflix offerings will be even more geared towards actors or creators. “Two thumbs up tells us you love it and helps us be even more specific in your recommendations. For example, if you like The Bridgerton Chronicles, you will be able to see more shows or movies with this cast or produced by Shondaland,” Christine Doig-Karde, director of innovation at Netflix, explained in a blog post.

Netflix’s thumbs-up rating system has come under fire in recent years. The platform replaced its five-star system in 2017, much to the chagrin of review enthusiasts. As one Reddit user recalls, it’s hard to know how to rate a mediocre film from a director you usually adore. Users were concerned that thumbing down acceptable content in your favorite genre could skew the entire Netflix algorithm. Example: Zombie fans who don’t like Zombieland, or Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy fans who don’t care about Waking Life. Hopefully this addition to the scoring system will really help refine the offers.