Niftables Announces Universal NFT Platform for Brands and Creators

Niftables announces a universal NFT platform that should further democratize NFT.

Niftables introduces the first universal NFT technology that offers brands and creators the fastest path to their own NFT platform. Dozens of brands and creators are already setting up their NFT platform with Niftables, and big announcements are coming soon.

Niftables Announces Universal NFT Platform

The demand for NFTs has been steadily increasing in recent years, but it is still difficult for creators to design, develop, mint and distribute their NTs. Niftables wants to democratize all of this by breaking down these barriers, creating the ultimate NFT platform for content creators, brands, and users, so to speak. All of this is made possible by the Niftables meta-market, bringing together many of the industry’s technologies and features.

According to co-founder Jordan Aitali, “Niftables allows creators and brands to fully customize their white-label NFT platform from the get-go. We ensure that each NFT platform of our creators is a perfect match for their brand and their overall vision.” Niftables was awarded the “Mass Adoption Aword”award at the AIBC Dubai Summit in March 2022. This is a significant vote of confidence, especially considering that Niftables has been fighting Meta and The Sandbox.

which should enable further democratization of the NFT

Niftables also plans to launch a gas-free cross-chain marketplace where users can buy, trade, sell their NFTs or rewards from white label creator platforms or directly on the Niftables marketplace. It will also provide integration with OpenSea and Rarible, two of the most popular marketplaces at the moment.

At the heart of the platform is the $NFT token, which will serve as the primary payment method for the entire Niftables ecosystem. It will launch at a limited price of $500 million with initial distribution in multiple rounds – seed, private, and public. A total of $6,900,000 is expected to be unlocked at launch this quarter.

There is no doubt that Niftables will appeal to brands and creators, whether they are individuals or large multinational companies. It offers a very powerful and comprehensive NFT meta-marketplace that consolidates and consolidates all key features into one easy-to-use platform.