You can now like an Instagram story without sending a DM

Instagram now allows anonymous liking of Stories to make it even easier to interact with Stories and limit flooding in private messages.

Like any software and web application, Instagram is updated regularly. Sometimes to fix bugs and close security vulnerabilities, sometimes to add new features. It is this last category that interests us today. The platform has just started rolling out an interesting feature that is expected to make things easier for users.

Instagram now lets you anonymously like stories

Until now, when you liked (liked) an Instagram story, it would send a direct message (DM) to the person in question to let them know that you liked their post. Now, according to a tweet by Instagram mogul Adam Mosseri, things are changing. Users can indeed like a story anonymously.

When this new feature is fully rolled out, Stories will have a new button with a heart icon. This button is very similar to the one you can find on classic Instagram posts. By clicking on it, you will like this post without sending a DM to its author.

To further simplify interaction with Stories

And it works for both the author of the post and the user. So the author will no longer DM just to make it clear that so-and-so is liking a post, which can be quite annoying when the counter flies and should be useful for people who just want to be able to like the post, the author of which does not know from whom exactly it comes. At the same time, unlike regular posts on Instagram, likes in stories will not be taken into account.

Instead, you will only be able to know if the story was liked if the heart button is full. This doesn’t change the way stories are published and work in general, it’s a small change in how stories are interacted with.