Walletmor offers subcutaneous implant for NFC payment

Walletmor offers a subcutaneous implant for NFC payment and adds an extra layer of security to everyday life.

Our electronic devices today are quite efficient and, above all, quite compact and inconspicuous, which is why we often have real computers: smartphone, smart watch, earphones or headphones, so many gadgets that can be very valuable in everyday life on missions that sometimes far away from their main utility. A smartphone, like a connected watch, allows you to make electronic payments. But you can go further, as with the American company Walletmor.

Walletmor offers a subdermal implant

Walletmor offers a complete solution to the problem of NFC payments: implant a microchip the size of a grain of rice in your hand. You can absolutely pay with your smartphone or e-wallet card, which you may already be doing today. What’s the point of going through a subdermal implant?

to pay via NFC and add an extra layer of everyday security

Some people see this as a very practical side. If payment terminals have an NFC receiver in the right place, then it is enough to hold the device in your hand to make the specified payment. The same NFC implant can be used to unlock your phone, computer, and other devices. This is known in the industry as “security by proximity” and can be perfectly combined with other levels of security.

All kinds of information can be integrated into such an implant, such as identification or medical data, electronic payment is ultimately just one of the use cases. At the same time, today it is very difficult to imagine how many people are ready to make a choice in favor of this kind of technology. The implant takes only 15 minutes to place under local anesthesia, Walletmore says, and the full healing process takes about four weeks.