The 10 Best Sword Enchantments in Minecraft

Minecraft, released in 2011, has taken the gaming world by storm with its boundless creativity and endless playstyles. You can build your world, advance in battles, collect resources from caves, temples, biomes, etc. and create crafts. You can do just about anything you can think of in Minecraft.

Putting aside other things, we will talk about the enchantment features in Minecraft. Minecraft allows you to enchant your items (weapons, armor or tools) with different perks in this sandbox style game.

It makes you ready for various scenarios and overcomes them easily with this all-encompassing enchantment blessed on your crafts or duties.

For example, the enchantments available for the sword make killing mobs and bosses a breeze. You will certainly be able to effectively complete the game if you enchant your sword with the right enchantments.

In this article, we have listed ten of the best sword enchantments in Minecraft. You can enchant your sword with this enchantment and go for the kill. Get the best minecraft sword enchant combination and enjoy the game.

Prerequisites for Enchanting Swords in Minecraft

  • Charming table.
  • Bookshelves
  • Lapis lazuli
  • enchanted book
  • Experience

Before you start enchanting your sword in Minecraft, you need to fulfill some requirements. To enchant an item in Minecraft, you need an enchantment table. In addition, you also need to collect Lapis Lazuli to strengthen the enchanting table. Without them, you won’t be able to enchant your items.

The next thing you need is to assemble the bookshelves. Bookshelves are related to the overall level of experience it takes to level up your enchantments. For example, if you want to increase the Sharpness enchantment to the maximum, i.e. Sharpness V, you need to surround the enchantment table with 15 bookshelves.

You are now ready to begin enchanting as you have completed the prerequisites for enchanting. Let’s take a look at the various enchantments and their impact on the game.

Best Sword Enchantments in Minecraft: Increased Melee Damage and Other Benefits

Below is a list of the top ten sword enchantments that can be found in Minecraft. Don’t forget to enchant your sword with the right combination of different enchantments and prepare for different scenarios in Minecraft.

  1. Sharpness V
  2. Unbreakable III
  3. mending i
  4. Sweeping Edge III
  5. Looting 3
  6. Fire Aspect II
  7. Arthropod Curse V
  8. Knockback 2
  9. Hit B
  10. Curse of Disappearance I

1. Sharpness V

As the name suggests, the Sharpness enchantment increases the base damage dealt by the sword. For example, a normal Netherite sword deals eight base damage to a hostile mob. This means that you need at least 3 sword hits to kill a hostile mob.

But this simple gameplay may not work in front of human enemies encountered in Minecraft multiplayer. In this case, you need an extra advantage to dominate other players.

Sharpness is the best enchantment that can be applied to your sword. It increases the base damage of the sword by 0.5 times per experience level. And the maximum level of enchantment that can be applied to one sword in Minecraft is Level 5 (Sharpness V).

This means that you can deal 11 damage per hit with the enchanted Sharpness sword. This amount of damage requires a total of 2 hits compared to 3 hits with an unenchanted sword of Netherite.

In a nutshell, the Sharpness enchanted sword allows you to gain an edge over your opponents in Minecraft multiplayer battles or any other game modes. And combining the Sharpness enchantment with other sword enchantments can give you a sword with all-round qualities.

Most players start enchanting their swords with the Sharpness enchantment. And gradually add other enchantments that are compatible with the Sharpness perk.

2. Unbreakable III

Minecraft reflects the physical qualities of the real world to some extent. As in this case, the wear effect of Minecraft tools. No tool, be it weapons, armor or tools, can last for long. In a nutshell, an item’s durability decreases with use.

The developers of the Minecraft game have set a certain level of durability for each item. Luckily, players also have the option to repair their tools. In particular, most items are repairable, including the Diamond Sword.

However, you need to consume additional material resources to repair an item and spend time looking for those resources.

Unbreakable Enchantment does exactly what you might think from its name. Players might think that Unbreakable Charm consumes player experience and increases durability.

But it’s not, and the Indestructible enchantment reduces the chance or chance of your sword’s durability being reduced.

The perks that come with the Unbreakable enchantment are similar to the Repair enchantment. But the main difference between the two is that one reduces the chance of losing durability while the other restores durability by consuming the player’s XP.

The Unbreaking enchantment can be upgraded to level 3 (i.e. Unbreaking III). The highest achievement “Unbreakable Charm”gives a 70% chance to hit the “No durability reduction”jackpot.

This makes it one of the best sword enchantments available in Minecraft, and combined with other sword enchantments, you can get a sword that can withstand long battles.

3. Repair I

In the aforementioned Unbreakable Enchantment section, we talked about the wear and tear effect of Minecraft tools. The durability of a tool (weapon, armor, crafting, etc.) decreases with use. In an intense battle, you can break your sword.

An unbreakable spell can extend the life of your sword and endure tough and intense battles against hostile mobs. There is another spell in Minecraft that can repair your damaged tools and sword, and that is the Mend Spell. This is a different enchantment, and it works on a different mechanism than the Indestructible enchantment.

The Mending enchantment restores your sword or any other tool by consuming your experience. A typical repair cost is one experience (from experience spheres) per two durability points.

XP can be from any source, ie. XP gained from killing mobs, farming, crafting, etc. The Mending enchantment takes effect with any source of XP you have earned. It is compatible with all XP sources.

Also, there is no upgrade for the Fix enchantment. Displayed with the Heal enchantment if you enchant your sword with the Heal enchantment. And the level indication is not attached to the name of this enchantment.

4. Sweeping edge III

About what effect this enchantment gives, you can guess by its name. Yes, that’s the damage dealt by clear attacks. An average non-enchanted Netherite sword takes about 4-5 sword swings to kill three enemies in a row.

But if the sword is enchanted with the Sweeping Edge perk, then it takes only 2-3 hits to kill the same number of hostile mobs.

The Sweeping Edge enchantment may not be as appealing to the average player as compared to other enchantments. But if you’re playing Minecraft in a Hardcore mod surrounded by hostile mobs, there’s room to escape.

In this situation, a wide margin comes into play. With each hit, you can easily take down a lot of mobs (creepers) and get through the Hardcore mode.

The Sweeping Edge enchantment can go up to level 3 (Sweeping Edge III). Therefore, to obtain the best results at an early stage, it is necessary to gain a sufficient amount of experience. Having the best enchantments that will allow you to survive your initial hardcore playthrough is essential as there is no second respawn to take advantage of.

Note. The Sweeping Edge enchantment is only available in the Java version of Minecraft. However, a plan to implement this enchantment into the Bedrock version is in the works.

5 Looting III

As the name suggests, enchanting a loot is supposed to increase the drop rate of the loot. As a rule, when killing a hostile mob, the chance of dropping loot is 50%.

But when you equip your sword with the Looting enchantment, it increases the chance of loot dropping. For example, when the game calculates the probability of dropping loot, the result becomes negative.

In this situation, the Luting enchantment will initiate a recalculation of the drop-down loot. This additional production calculation is much better than a single test.

There are three types of loot in Minecraft: common, uncommon, and rare. If you kill mobs without any looting enchantments on your Netherite Sword, the chance of dropping loot is around 50%.

But if you kill an enemy with an enchanted sword, then the perks associated with it can greatly change the chances of success and make the game drop more unusual loot.

The maximum level this enchantment can reach is Level 3. That is, you can make an enchanted sword with the Luthing III enchantment.

6. Fiery Aspect II

The Fire Aspect Charm tops the list with its passive damage and other benefits like confusion and gathering cooked animal meat. The maximum level of this enchantment is Level 2 (i.e. Fire Aspect II).

The first level deals damage over 4 seconds and the second level lasts for about 8 seconds.

The added bonus that the Fire Aspect enchantment gives is confusion. This is a minor benefit or perks related to Fire Aspect enchantments are less noticeable, but you can take advantage of it in groups of mobs.

Lighting your opponent with flames causes confusion among groups of mobs, leveling them off confused and disorganized. You can also take advantage of this feature in the Player vs. Player (PvP) settings.

The main effect of this Fire Aspect enchantment is passive burning damage. It deals tons of damage in a short period and helps you clear a group of mobs (creepers) in the least amount of time.

Moreover, you can get cooked meat if you kill an animal with the enchanted sword Fire Aspect. As you know, eating raw meat in Minecraft can cause food poisoning.

The Fire Aspect perk saves you the time of cooking raw meat fit for consumption.

7. Death of arthropods V

Arthropod mobs in Minecraft refer to insects, spiders, centipedes, endermites, scorpions, etc. The Bane of Arthropods enchantment, guessed by its cheeky name, is designed to deal effective damage to hostile arthropod class mobs in Minecraft.

If you’ve been playing in a Minecraft biome environment and surrounded by various eight-legged freaks, then you need your weapon (in this case, a sword) enchanted with perks that deal effective damage to them.

In such situations, the Arthropod Demise enchantment comes into play. If you want to gather resources in caves and biomes, always keep the enchanted sword Arthropodbane at the ready to fight cave spiders, scorpions, silverfish, etc.

In addition to dealing effective damage to insect class mobs in Minecraft, this enchantment also has an additional Slowness debuff. It simply means slowing down enemies hit by those above the enchanted sword of Netherite.

The duration of the Slowness debuff increases with the enchant level.

The Bane of Arthropods enchantment can be increased to a maximum level of 5, i.e. Bane of Arthropod V. Each enchantment level increases damage dealt by 2.5. Thus, a medium Netherite sword with the Arthropodbane enchantment maxed out can deal approximately 20 damage to an enemy.

8. Knockback 2

Again, you can guess the enchantment effect by its name. It knocks back your opponent or hostile mob, distancing itself from the enemy. This is best used when you don’t want to engage in physical battles up close.

Using this enchantment, you will be able to keep your enemies at a safe distance. This effect is best used on ranged weapons to keep enemies from getting close.

The maximum level of this enchantment is Level 2, i.e. Rejection II. The first level creates a distance of three (3) blocks between you and the enemy, and the second level creates six (6) blocks.

This enchantment displays different effects on different platforms. For example, if you’re playing the Java version of Minecraft, the Knockback enchantment can knock back armor stands.

At the same time, the same effect cannot be displayed in the Minecraft Bedrock version of the game. Additionally, you can gain additional knockback distance if you hit an opponent while sprinting.

Just use the Knockback charm to play the game in a casual style. Keep your distance if you don’t want to slash mobs in horrible hand-to-hand combat. This enchantment is best suited for ranged weapons such as crossbows, tridents, and bows.

9. Hit V.

Minecraft offers a variety of enemies, and they can be divided into living and non-living (dead?). The presence of undead mobs makes them more enjoyable and challenging.

However, if you encounter a real mob with a regular or enchanted sword (other than Smite), you will find that it doesn’t deal any damage.

In order to deal damage to the undead effectively, you need to equip your sword with the Smite enchantment. This might be the best enchantment to fight undead mobs in Minecraft.

Enchanted sword Smite can deal with various undead mobs such as zombies, zombie villagers, zombie pigmen or pigs, zombie horses, drowned, skeleton horses, phantoms, husks, withers, zoglins, etc.

However, the only downside to using the Smite enchantment on your sword is that you cannot pair it with the Sharpness enchantment.

Players usually enchant swords with various enchantments, preparing themselves for various situations and overcoming them using various enchantment perks.

However, it must be borne in mind that there are conflicting pairs of enchantments, and they cannot be blessed on one sword. The Smite and Sharpness enchantment is one such pair.

The Smite enchantment can be upgraded to a maximum level of 5, which is the Smite V enchantment. If you bless your sword with the Smite enchantment, it increases the attack damage of undead mobs by 2.5 per enchantment level.

For example, if a medium Netherite sword deals eight base damage, then an enchanted Smite V Netherite sword can deal roughly 20 damage.

10. Curse of Extinction I

The curse of extinction sounds mystical, right! The effect of this enchantment is also mysterious. Most players, i.e. single-mode players know little about this enchantment. But for those active in the Minecrfat multiplayer arena, there is a love-hate relationship with this enchantment.

Players who enchant their tools (sword in this article) with the Curse of Disappearance enchantment are on good terms. And the opposing players hate it. Why? Let’s take a look at the effector mechanism of this enchantment.

The main effect or purpose of this enchantment is to prevent your tools from dropping when your character dies. For example, if you kill a human enemy (other players), you see no loot drops.

Then it’s safe to say that the opponent has enchanted their tools with the curse of vanishing.

In multiplayer combat, it’s a great enchantment to make enchanted tools so that even in death you can’t cheapen your enemy by feeding him your hard-earned loot. So it can be said that Minecraft players have a relative love-hate attitude towards this enchantment.

This enchantment can be upgraded to Curse of Disappearance I. That is, there is no improvement for this enchantment. Also, keep in mind that there is no point in enchanting your items with this enchantment in solo mode. Because mobs won’t break the loot you dropped after your character died.

This article has talked about some of the best enchantments available for the melee weapon – the sword. Different enchantments can make you ready to fight and face different situations with different perks.

Upgrade NameMaximum. LevelDescription
DefinitionVIncrease the base damage dealt by mobs and enemy players.
indestructibleIIIReduces the chance of reducing the item’s durability.
repairIRestores item durability by consuming the player’s XP.
MaraudingIIIIncrease the chance of dropping loot when killing mobs. Increase the drop rate of unusual loot.
fiery aspectIIWeakens the enemy with passive burning damage. Also, weaken others with the Slowness attribute.
bane of arthropodsVIncrease the damage dealt by arthropods.
StrikeVIncreases damage dealt by a crowd of undead. Cannot be combined with the Sharpness enchantment.
sweeping edgeIIIIncrease the damage and range of sweeping enemies in a circle.
discardIIKnocks back the opponent and creates a safe distance between himself and the opponent.
Curse of ExtinctionIItems enchanted with this enchantment prevent them from being dropped as loot when the player dies.


Minecraft is a classic game. It has gained immense popularity since its inception in 2011 and still garners a dedicated gaming fan base. The game offers massive open-world scenarios, unlimited creativity and adventurous quests.

The game can be addictive due to various game strategies. If you arm yourself with weapons with the right perks, you will have endless fun playing the game with different combinations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the best sword enchantments in Minecraft?

You can make yourself a broadsword to face various enemies and battle scenarios with the following charms. The best sword enchantments in Minecraft are Indestructible, Sharpness, Healing, Looting, Fiery Aspect, Arthropod Bane, Knockback, Sweeping Edge, Smite, and Curse of Vanishing.

What is the best sword enchant combination?

Theoretically, you can have ten enchantments for your sword in Minecraft. But there are a couple of spells that conflict with the Punishment and Sharpness spells. The Sharpness perk increases the base damage of the sword (by 0.5 multiplier per level). At the same time, Kara increases damage against Undead mobs. You can’t have both enchantments in the same word. So you can have at most nine different enchantments to bless your sword in Minecraft. One of the best combo recommendations for a sword in Minecraft is to bless it with Unbreaking III, Sharpness V, Mending, Looting III, and Sweeping Edge III.

How to enchant swords in Minecraft?

Enchanting a Netherite sword in Minecraft requires an enchanting table, experience points, and bookshelves. First, surround the enchantment table with bookshelves (you need 15 bookshelves to reach the maximum enchantment level). Open an exquisite menu by right-clicking on an enchanting table. Choose a sword and an enchantment book. Enhance an enchantment table with Lapis Lazuli. You will be given three options to choose from in the right panel. The higher the experience required to enchant an item, the better the level of enchantment.

Will Minecraft Bedrock Get Sweeping Edge?

The Sweeping Edge enchantment can only be found in the Java version of Minecraft. However, the creators of Minecraft have planned to introduce this enchantment into the Minecraft: Bedrock version.