Apex Game Studios: Tomonobu Itagaki dared to bet on Web 3.0 games

The creator of Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden wants to create fun, high-quality, and immersive web 3.0 games with Apex Game Studios.

Developed with the Unreal Engine graphics engine for PC, iOS and Android, Apex Game Studios’ first incubator game, Warrior is an MMORPG where players will be able to summon over 100 different types of servant mobs, each with a random rank. Those with a higher rank will provide stronger support in battle. At the same time, Mob Servants can freely choose and learn more than 60 different skills. The latter also have a unique island that can be traded.

The announcement of the film “Warrior”

Designed to address the performance, security and longevity issues of GameFi 1.0 and achieve a GameFi 2.0 breakthrough, Warrior removes the cash game mode and is more accessible and profitable than traditional games. Renowned Japanese game designer Tomonobu Itagaki stated that one of the key characteristics of a blockchain game that must be successful is that it must be a real game, fun and attention-grabbing, which is exactly what his team wants to achieve with Warrior. will be released next year via beta and NFT pre-sale.

He explained his intention to create games – real experiences – in which people can compete with each other. He also indicated that he is interested not only in developing games based on non-fungible tokens or NFTs, but also in the metaverse, and that he plans to use these technologies as a weapon of choice. It is important for Itagaki to embrace change and respond to the new challenges inherent in blockchain technology.