Bandai Namco Aces: new studio in partnership with ILCA

Bandai Namco and ILCA announce the creation of the Bandai Namco Aces.

Under the chairmanship of Takuya Iwasaki and Kazutoka Kono, Bandai’s subsidiary Namco Aces, owned by ILCA (49% stake) and Japanese publisher Bandai Namco (51% stake), will rely on the founding partners’ experience in game creation and technical capabilities, as well as state-of-the-art technologies for the development of high-quality photorealistic content, in particular for the Ace Combat license.

. PCコンテンツなどの企画・開発・開営を行う新会社「株式会社バンダイナムコエイセス」を設立いたしました。
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Jul 1, 2022

Bandai Namco Aces, an association between Bandai Namco and ILCA

Reasons for opening Bandai Namco Aces in Shinjuku, one of the 23 special districts of Tokyo Prefecture in Japan: “In recent years, as the global gaming market has witnessed significant growth, the demand for high-quality games has increased. Based on this, the decision was made to form a new company with the aim of strengthening game development capabilities in the pursuit of photorealistic expression to create products that exceed the expectations of fans around the world. Bandai Namco has demonstrated time and time again its expertise in video game production through cult series such as Tekken and Ace Combat, while ILCA has the technical capability to produce high quality content using technologies that sublimate next generation consoles. “