If You Have Trouble Sleeping, Try This 5-Minute Ritual

Making lists before bed can help you fall asleep. Other tips to get to Morpheus easier.

Some people find it very difficult to fall asleep. The reasons can be very diverse. And it’s often a vicious circle. Awareness that you have trouble falling asleep, anxiety before sleep, inability to fall asleep. Problems that affect millions of people around the world. There are many tricks to help you fall asleep. Here’s a quick and easy way: make lists.

Making to-do lists before bed can help you fall asleep

Take time before bed to write down two or three things you want to do the next day. Also write down one or two things that went well during the day. It takes no more than five minutes. The fact is that there is a connection between freeing the mind in this way and falling asleep. Making a to-do list helps you join Morpheus, it’s been scientifically proven.

Researchers from Baylor and Emory Universities studied sleep in two groups of volunteers: one kept a diary of tasks and activities performed during the day, the other noted what they needed to do the next day or the day after tomorrow. It turns out that writing down what needs to be done makes it easier to fall asleep than writing down what you’ve already done. Researchers believe that writing down what needs to be done helps reduce stress and anxiety about upcoming events, and actually makes it easier to fall asleep. Thus, you unload your brain.

More tips on how to easily join Morphée

If you are looking for other tips to improve your sleep, here are some more tips. Dr. Saroja Sripati, sleep specialist at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California, shares his secrets. Good sleep depends on three factors: the quality, duration and timing of sleep. The best way to optimize these three factors is to focus on “sleep hygiene,” in other words, behaviors that help you sleep better. What you drink and when you drink, for example, is important. For example, how much you eat and when you go to bed.

If you are having trouble falling asleep, here are some tips:

  • Stay away from screens at least half an hour before bed.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed – after drinking, you may fall asleep easier, but the quality of sleep will be lower.
  • Create a real sleep routine so your body knows it’s time to sleep.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.
  • Reserve your bed for sleep and sex – no reading, no food, no TV in bed -.
  • If you need to relax, listen to a podcast or do a meditation instead of browsing social media.

If you’ve tried all of these methods and are still having trouble falling asleep, it might be time to seek professional help.