Guide to the speed passage of Stray: I Am Speed ​​Trophy in 2 hours

Trophies in Stray are actually easy to get if you know where to look for them. Most trophies are automatically achieved when you play in normal mode and you only need to focus on the ones that have collectibles and special items, like one with a trash bag and another with a basketball. But one of the trophies called “I’m Speed”requires you to complete the game in 2 hours or less. Many players have problems with this. But today I will tell you the easiest way to do it, as well as some tips and tricks to help you. So today let’s take a look at our Stray Speedrun guide on how to beat Stray in less than 2 hours to get the I am Speed ​​trophy.

How to Beat Stray in Under 2 Hours to Get the I Am Speed ​​Prize (Speed ​​Walking Guide)

The easiest way to completely beat Stray in less than 2 hours for the I Am Speed ​​trophy is to play the game on two save slots at the same time. Okay, I know this sounds confusing, but let me explain. See Stray does not require you to complete the entire game in one go. You will notice that when you pause the game, the timer also stops. In addition, the game supports an autosave feature that activates during periodic checkpoints such as a cutscene, the start of a new chapter, or when you complete an objective or objective in an area. Using this save slot timer and the autosave feature is your best way to unlock this Stray speedrun trophy. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start game on 1st save slot
  2. Don’t worry about the timer on this slot
  3. Play until you reach the cutscene or the end of the chapter
  4. Open the pause menu, make sure your game is saved.
  5. You can see when your last game was saved using the “reload last checkpoint”button in the pause menu.
  6. Now go back and start a new game in save slot 2.
  7. This save slot will become your speedrun slot.
  8. You should only focus on the timer in this slot
  9. Skip all cutscenes during Speedrun
  10. On PS4 and PS5, press the Square and Circle buttons to skip cutscenes.
  11. On PC, you can press the appropriate button, here’s the trick (if you’ve already played the game once):
    • Got to C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Hk_project\Content\Movies
    • Now backup this folder and delete all files inside this path.
    • Then start the game
    • Now your fast track save slot will play without cutscenes, saving you valuable time.
    • You can also check the Steam files after a quick launch to reinstall them, so there’s nothing to worry about.
  12. Since you are playing 2 save slots at the same time, you need to use the 1st save slot to determine the levels.
  13. Also, you can take the time to find ways to avoid enemies (especially deaths) as much as possible.
  14. This is because if your health is depleted, the game will take you back to the checkpoint.
  15. This will not reset the timer, it will continue to run even during download and this time will be added to your total completion time.
  16. So don’t experiment with your game in the Speedrun save slot.
  17. Plus, you don’t worry or get angry even if you die once or twice in your Speedrun slot. That’s why:
    • According to my quick search on YouTube and Reddit, many managed to complete between 1:15 and 1:45.
    • So you have almost 30-45 minutes left.
  18. Focus on surviving, avoiding enemies and finding shortcuts.
  19. Finally, if you’ve already beaten the game once and just want to get the trophy (and avoid the simultaneous save method), here’s what to do:
    1. Play any Stray Speedrun video from YouTube
    2. They will show you the easiest way to end the game.
    3. Just stop the video as soon as autosave is triggered in their game.
    4. Now you can follow the path of the game as they are
    5. Pausing the game on autosave
    6. Resume watching YouTube videos and continue this process.
    7. You can also just launch YT video on your mobile (or other device) and play it on PS/PC after watching the video.

Why is 2 save slots safer to get a trophy?

First, my initial speedrun took me a little less than 1:58, but I made a lot of mistakes in mine. My first mistake was not running the game on two save slots at the same time. Just to be clear, I play through the entire game once in about 8 hours, exploring everything its world has to offer. Then trying to speed up the game after a couple of days was like going through all 8 hours of combined playthrough memories to find the best shortcuts to complete that playthrough.

Also, the 2-slot method eliminates almost half the guesswork and removes every bit of FOMO. This constant tension of “can I make it, can I make it?” hopefully this is not the way to go for many players who don’t want to risk another speedrun through this misfortune. Don’t repeat my mistake. Believe me, this method is much better. At the end of the day, you must choose the method you like. Do you prefer the thrill of the final reward or just the calm? But no matter what, just remember that you can still easily defeat the Rogue in less than 2 hours.

That’s all for our Stray speedrun guide on how to beat Stray in less than 2 hours to get the I Am Speed ​​trophy.