Project Slayers: how to get money fast

Project Slayers is a new anime-themed Roblox game that uses an exclusive currency called Wen. Some vans require grinding to obtain. This guide introduces some of the methods and tricks by which you can make money fast in Project Slayers.

How to get money fast in Project Slayers

  • There are a lot of non-player characters in the game who give certain tasks against which Wen is offered.
  • Go to the rice farm and chat with Sarah.
  • Gather rice for her by going to the green patches on the farm. You get 100 veins in one interval.
  • Deliver carts for Vagon’s grandfather to his location. This gives you 150 veins when one cart is delivered.
  • Near the delivery point, you will find another NPC named Betty. Find the diamond part of her bracelet and earn 500 veins every time you help her.
  • Find Mark and buy a fishing rod from him for 2500 ven. Go fishing and earn 90, 180 or 300 ven for each fish depending on its rarity.
  • Five minutes of fishing can bring you over 1000 vans.
  • These quests can be completed multiple times, so you can pretty well.


To earn effectively and easily within a few minutes, keep switching between Mark and Betty as they can bring you 1000 vans. Also, it is the best way to earn fast because both are close to each other. You can buy 2x Wen in the store to double your earnings in 15 minutes. Buy it from the shop for 1 ore before proceeding.

Here are some effective and easy ways to make money fast with Project Slayers.