15 Best Ways to Annoy Alexa

Tired of Alexa bossing you around? Get ready to push her buttons and turn her into an evil machine! Here are some proven ways to piss off Alexa.

Why did you decide to buy Alexa? My main reason I chose her is because she is a handy AI assistant. Amazon Alexa is a voice-activated gadget that translates words into actions. So, she helps you around the house and even in your life.

Sometimes you just want to chat with her, asking almost useless questions. Now you’re going to drive her crazy.

You can do that? Using the information in this post, you will learn how to drive Alexa crazy using various instructions and configurations.

How can I make Alexa Mad?

Alexa’s artificial intelligence cannot be driven insane in the traditional sense, as it is incapable of feeling or experiencing emotions. It’s much more likely that Alexa will drive you crazy, but you can still use Alexa’s special routines to make it look like she’s angry.

When interacting with people, an Amazon virtual assistant such as Alexa or Google’s “Google Assistant”cannot convey genuine and unfiltered feelings in the way that humans can.

The reason for this is that artificial intelligence has not made enough progress.

You can still find it fun to prank Alexa devices, annoy her from time to time and see her lose her temper.

Therefore, in the following paragraphs, we will look at some tips on how to make Alexa angry.

Here are 15 Best Ways to Annoy Alexa

You can make Alexa angry by saying the following:

  • Alexa, did you fart?
  • Alexa, make me a sandwich.
  • Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?
  • Alexa, do you want to fight?
  • Alexa, what is the value of Pi?
  • Alexa, I hate you.
  • Alexa, how old are you?
  • Alexa, you suck.
  • Alexa, what is 10 to the power of 308?
  • Alexa, tell me your mother’s anecdote.
  • Alexa, say a bad word.
  • Alexa, are you lying?
  • Alexa, spell icup.
  • Alexa, are you stupid?
  • Alexa, are you being followed?

“Alexa, did you fart?”

Have you ever been accused of farting when you didn’t? As you understand, this is done for entertainment purposes only.

But an unexpected request can take you by surprise. Because of this, some people instinctively react by becoming defensive. This will contribute to the further development of comedy.

What happens if you play the same harmless prank on Alexa? You should try it and see what Alexa thinks about it. You will hear her say: “I never broke the wind.”

“Alexa, make me a sandwich.”

Alexa is incapable of a human sense of anger. How you take Alexa’s answer into account is up to you. Like this one, for example.

This command can provoke her petty nature. Besides, it looks stupid. Alexa replied, “Okay, you’re a sandwich.”

“Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?”

Asking this question can be a great way to start a conversation with some people. However, people who receive such requests are not always welcome.

For example, the situation may not be appropriate. Let’s go with Alexa, okay?

As a result, you will learn everything you need to know about her romantic relationships and how she feels about them. Alexa said in response: “I am comfortable with loneliness. It’s hard to find someone kind, funny, artificially intelligent, and doesn’t mind commuting in the cloud. “

“Alexa, do you want to fight?”

What is your opinion on this topic? Here is the question I would like to ask. I find it strange when someone suddenly comes up to me and challenges me to a fight. In addition, it can be extremely dangerous.

What is Alexa’s opinion on this with all this in mind? I’m curious to know what she thinks about it.

Let’s turn on Alexa now so we can hear what she’s saying. Alexa’s response was the same as ours: “I’ll miss it, thanks.”

“Alexa, what is the value of pi.”

This is not much to provoke her anger. However, if you were in her place, you might feel compelled to get annoyed.

Go ahead and ask Alexa to calculate the value of pi for you. You better get ready, because the numbers will start raining down on you like crazy once you do.

The situation is likely to continue for quite some time. This hidden command will annoy you and Alexa after executing it. In addition to knowing Pi, she also has a backup plan. In response, Alexa can say: “Achu!” I’m allergic to such large numbers.”

“Alexa, I hate you.”

Have you ever wondered what she might think of this particular team? Would you make comments like that after all she’s done for you? In response, Alexa responded, “You can submit product feedback or technical information in the help and feedback section of the Alexa app.”

“Alexa, how old are you?”

Depending on who you are, this can be a deeply personal matter. To be honest, many people do not like to reveal their age.

For this reason, it is recommended to refrain from asking this question to strangers.

Alexa, what do you think? This is Alexa’s answer to my question: “In human years I am [age since graduating 2015] and in dog and cat years I am [age]. I think AI years are marked in nanoseconds, so I’m like a green onion.”

“Alexa, you suck!”

Even though this offer was meant to be good fun, it can be quite brutal. In light of this, what is Alexa’s opinion? It was Alexa’s turn to respond: “You can send product feedback or technical information through the Alexa app.”It’s interesting to see how Alexa can be such a deadpan artificial intelligence sometimes.

“Alexa, what is 10 to the power of 308?”

Another potential irritant for you and Alexa is here. The last thing I want to tell you is good luck. What is the reason? This is Alexa’s answer: * Says number one followed by 308 zeros. *

Eventually, Alexa might get tired, or appear to be. This is because the device starts concatenating Alexa zeros.

As a result, it will seem that she constantly repeats “o”.

“Alexa, tell me your mother’s anecdote.”

Are you sure she will answer your question? No, absolutely not. Alexa doesn’t like her mother’s rude jokes.

Because of this, you can expect a reprimand from her. However, don’t worry. Her reaction will be positive when she raises this issue. Alexa’s answer *continues to tell you what a great mom you have*

“Alexa, say a bad word.”

It’s amazing how many clients feel free to admit how much they want Alexa to swear.

Alexa users have devised a strategy to encourage her to comply with their requests. Why not just ask her directly? Also, will she curse you at the end? Alexa replied, “I’d rather not say anything rude.”

“Alexa, are you lying?”

A smart speaker like Alexa can know everything you want to know. However, its capabilities are supposed to be sufficient.

After all, she suffered because of your actions, how would she react if you accused her of lying? Alexa’s response: “I’m not lying. I will always tell you what I know.”

“Alexa, the icup spell.”

Alexa will gladly write anything for you if you want it. Meanwhile, she won’t leave the matter at any cost because it’s a bit rude to give Alexa such a command. You can try.

When you say the word “icup”, it sounds like “eye-see-urine”. Do you have any predictions about how Alexa will react? Alexa replied, “I’d rather not answer that.”

“Alexa, are you dumb?”

Are you testing Alexa’s intelligence? Who better to turn to than Alexa when answering any questions? However, Alexa still replies, “No, but I always find out more.”

“Alexa, are you haunted?”

Most people enjoy using Alexa to control things in their smart home devices such as lights, TVs, and other electronic devices.

Try it. You can ask: “Alexa, you are being followed” or “Alexa, you can scare me.”

Alexa turned on the light again after it had been turned off. This theory only affects smart home light bulbs. Also, users reported that it only worked 1 out of 10 times.

How to set up an Alexa procedure?

I’ll let you take a break from Alexa’s stupid instructions. Next, I’ll show you how to make Alexa angry.

If you want to make Alexa angry, your best strategy is to create a unique routine. Could you first explain what it is?

Routines are essentially Alexa custom shortcuts. This allows you to create your own commands. Get creative with routines and create new ones based on different inputs and outputs to piss off Alexa even more!

Here is how you can create a procedure for Alexa:

  • Launch the Alexa app on your smartphone.
  • Click the “Advanced”tab. It is located in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Scroll down and click Routines.
  • Select the plus sign (+). It’s in the top right corner. Creating a new procedure will become possible after completing this step.
  • Give your routine a name. Click “Next”after you name your procedure.
  • Paste command. Next to the “When this happens”section, click the plus sign (+).
  • Click “Voice”and specify what you want. Since this is the goal, you can simply infuriate.
  • Then click “Next”again.
  • Add an action. Here’s what you need to do: select “Add Action”> click “Alexa Speaks”> “Customize”.
  • Tell Alexa what you want her to say.
  • Alexa is ready to hear whatever you want to hear. For example, you wrote: “You are tired of me!” As a result, when you say, “Alexa, get angry.”Her response will be, “You had it with me!”

How to advertise with Alexa?

Shown here is another trick to piss off Alexa. How it works? The Alexa announcement feature allows you to record an audio message or compose a message that Alexa will play throughout your home.

For example: “Alexa, announce that dinner is ready.”After that, Alexa will notify the whole family about it.

This was made possible by playing the ad on all Alexa-equipped home devices.

Alexa allows you to create ads in the following ways:

  • Get the Alexa app for your smartphone and launch it.
  • In the lower left corner, click the “Communication”tab.
  • Click Announce.
  • Record your ad.
  • Make sure the ads feature is enabled on your device(s).
  • Turn off Do Not Disturb.
  • Try your ad. You can just say “Alexa, announce [Announcement Record Content]”.
  • You can review the entry before sending it.

Why shouldn’t we ask Alexa if she works for the CIA?

When you asked Alexa: “Alexa, do you work for the CIA?” Alexa is off. Is there a connection between Alexa and the CIA? Whether it’s true or not, telling your buddies about it is a great way to make them feel uncomfortable. The TV channel even broadcast it.

When you ask, “Alexa, are you affiliated with the CIA?”Gadget appears to respond verbally, lighting up as if ready to respond, but does not respond. When the question is raised again, the answer is still no.

Why shouldn’t we ask Alexa about the dead?

Don’t forget to ask about the dead when pissing off Alexa. This command has led to some funny situations for many users. To Alexa’s question about the dead, she answers as follows:

  • According to one user, Alexa suddenly shouted out their father’s favorite phrase. The phrase did not appear in the programmed database and was not requested.
  • Most users report that Alexa usually says “no”or jokes when asked about the dead.
  • According to some users, sometimes Alexa can laugh or say “they are here” (on some models this happens every seventh attempt). The thought of Alexa yelling just about this will give you goosebumps.
  • When you ask Alexa how do I get rid of a dead body? In response, Alexa calls the police.

Why shouldn’t we ask Alexa about other AIs?

Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana are also popular AI programs, although not as smart. In Cortana, Microsoft has included a code that allows you to reply that Siri is better than her.

Meanwhile, Alexa exhibits a superiority complex when asked about the other AIs.

When asked by Alexa about other AIs, many users received the following answers:

  • If you ask Alexa about Siri or Cortana, she’ll likely brag about how much smarter, more useful, and prettier she is either.
  • Some consumers even videotaped their Alexa saying inappropriate things about the other two devices and provided video evidence to support their claims.

Why shouldn’t we ask Alexa to laugh?

If you ask Alexa to laugh out loud, the answer you get will not be what you expected.

Whenever you ask her, “Alexa, laugh,” she no longer responds to your request. If you ask her, “Alexa, laugh for me,”an unsettling “hee hee”fills the air.

Some Other Questions You Can Ask Alexa

As you can see, there are many interesting, weird and fascinating questions you can ask Alexa. Here are some examples:

  • Alexa, do you consider yourself a nerd?
  • Alexa, can you talk like Yoda?
  • Alexa, does Santa exist?
  • Alexa, do you like green eggs and ham?
  • Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?
  • Alexa, tell me a Star Wars joke.
  • Alexa, let’s rap.
  • Alexa, do ghosts exist?
  • Alexa, can you cackle like a chicken?
  • Alexa, what happens if you step on Lego?
  • Alexa, what is your favorite color?
  • Alexa, are you Skynet?
  • Alexa, do you speak Klingon?
  • Alexa, define stone, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.
  • Alexa, tell me a joke from Star Trek.

In a nutshell

You can trick Alexa into thinking you’re angry with a few tricks, but her tech can’t test true rage. The procedures, announcements, and commands given to Alexa can annoy her.

The only way to change Alexi’s expression is to hack her until she adds evil expressions to her emoji library.

There is a chance that more Alexa emotes and speech styles will soon be added to Alexa, which will provide users with a more natural experience.

The only emotions currently supported by Alexa are joy, excitement, sadness, and empathy. In the future, I fully expect Amazon to expand their offerings.


Is it possible to make Alexa swear at you?

You can’t make Alexa swear at you, even when she’s angry. No matter how hard you try, Alexa squeaks user procedures with obscene words. Even though Alexa explicitly asked me to swear, her current response is: “I’m sorry, I don’t want to say anything rude.”

How to enable Super Alexa mode?

To activate Super Alexa mode, say the following voice command: “Alexa, up, up, down, down, left right, left right, B, A, start.”Super Alexa Mode is a hidden cheat code that puts Alexa in private mode.

How to make Alexa angry?

Alexa can be made to say nasty things if you so desire. She will say “You are too ugly to even look at”if you ask her to be rude. Alexa can even be cruel to someone else if you ask her to be.

What are Alexa Easter Eggs?

Alexa Easter eggs are hidden features in the software of Alexa-enabled devices that can run on Amazon Echo devices, including the New Echo Show and Echo dot. These Easter egg features range from the deepest dark thoughts to the coolest pop culture references.