9 Fixes for Xfinity Router Flashing Orange


Wi-Fi routers have become a valuable asset in the digital world. Simply put, these fantastic modems offer unrivaled internet access with the right data plan.

However, they convey much more information through various twinkling lights.

The same concept applies to your Xfinity router. While it’s flashing blue, white, and red, we’ll focus on how your Xfinity Router flashes orange.

Learn more to find out what it means and how to fix the blinking orange light.

7 Reasons Why Your Xfinity Router Is Flashing Orange

  1. Firmware update
  2. ISP issues
  3. Power failure
  4. physical damage
  5. Problems with Ethernet
  6. Router overload
  7. Router is defective

7 Reasons Why Your Xfinity Router Is Flashing Orange

We understand if the orange light on your Xfinity router is confusing to you. In short, this means that the router is trying or should update its software.

It then tries to connect to the servers, but it takes longer than usual. In the end, the connection may not have been able to be established.

There may be several reasons for this behavior. Take a look at the possible causes of this flickering.

1. Firmware update

Keeping your devices up to date is one way to keep them up to date. Sometimes these firmware updates can lead to problems rather than fixes. A similar firmware update case is also applicable for your Xfinity WiFi router.

Your Xfinity Router may continue to flash orange even after the update is complete. Then, either the update did not go as planned, or the connection may fail for other reasons.

2. Problems with the provider

While this happens from time to time, your ISP may also encounter some hurdles.

Due to some technical issues, ISP latency can affect the performance of your router. Hence the wireless signal. Although such interruptions in service do not last long.

3. Power failure

There are several important components that make your Xfinity modem work. One such important factor is power supply.

Therefore, if you have frequent power outages at home, this can cause problems with your Internet connection. In addition, the problem may be with the wall outlet or modem plug, and not with the power supply.

4. Physical Damage

The main elements of an active router are the Internet connection and power supply. But it also requires the modem cables to be in working order.

Thus, if you have been using an Xfinity router for quite some time, you need to check:

  1. If the Internet connection cable is worn out.
  2. Is there any additional physical damage to the router
  3. Or the connection adapter is working properly.

5. Ethernet issues

The reason you are using an Xfinity router is to use the wireless internet. But the modem also supports Ethernet connection services.

And you can use the same router for it with the ethernet cable provided by the company.

You may already be using one such Ethernet connection. But the connection may need repair or be weaker than the minimum requirements.

This script can also cause your Xfinity router to flash orange.

6. Router overload

You will be able to use their full potential if your ISP and Ethernet connections meet the requirements. While in the process, you may not be aware of its effect on your router.

Each router can only serve a fixed number of devices at the same time.

If the number of connected devices exceeds the set limit, your router may run into problems. As a result, it flashes orange.

7. The router is faulty

We hope this is not the case, but it is always possible. If you’ve been using the same Xfinity router for years, it may have failed. You may also need to replace it due to the inability to connect to modern devices with different frequencies.

9 Ways to Fix Your Xfinity Router Flashing Orange

  1. Restart your router
  2. Update Firmware
  3. Check with the provider
  4. Check system requirements
  5. Provide stable power supply
  6. Repair of physical damage
  7. Load balancing
  8. Replace Router
  9. Contact support

9 Ways to Fix Your Xfinity Router Flashing Orange

1. Restart your router

As simple as it is, this is one of the effective yet simple fixes to your router’s behavior.

You can restart the router either with the power plug or with the restart/reset button on the router. The key must wait at least 30 seconds before turning it back on.

2. Update firmware

Your Xfinity Router may have pending software updates. It is often referred to as a firmware update. But how to check and update?

  1. You can visit the official Xfinity website – https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices/
  2. Then select your device and check for available updates.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions for your Xfinity box.

Note. You may need to install the Xfinity app to install updates for the latest router models.

You can use the above website to check if your router is compatible with internet speed. But if everything is fine, move on to the next solution.

3. Contact your ISP

Before proceeding with detailed checks and fixes, it’s a good idea to check if your router is at fault. Due to weather conditions or even technical issues, your ISP may experience some issues.

So you can always call them. This will help you check if you need to wait for a potential fix or start with the next item in the list.

4. Check system requirements

Another possibility that your router is not performing well is due to incorrect configurations. Or it lacks the lowest performance requirements. This may include:

1. supported power options

2. view settings

3. network connection settings

4. and OS.

It is imperative that you have a router that suits your needs. At the same time, it must work in an environment that meets its requirements. If there is a mismatch, the Xfinity Router may flash orange.

5. Provide stable power supply

Another easy way to troubleshoot your Xfinity router is to provide stable power. Even small but frequent outages can affect the performance of your router.

It may also cause the product to malfunction. So, make sure the power is uninterrupted, or use a backup power.

6. Repair of physical damage

As mentioned earlier, your device may have physical damage. This applies to the router itself and the components that ensure its operation. Thus, you should also check the power adapter.

Also, check for loose cables and the condition of the splitter. You can also check the status of the connecting ports.

7. Load balancing

Your Xfinity modem may flash orange if multiple internet devices are using its services at the same time.

This usually results in a decrease in throughput for each connection. But it can also affect the performance of a router trying to make multiple requests at the same time. As a result, the software may experience problems, and the modem blinks orange.

8. Replace your router

If none of the solutions worked, you are dealing with a faulty router.

In this case, it is best to replace the old router. But if you have a fresh piece, it may still be under warranty. And it also can save your replacement costs.

9. Contact support

While we want to help you fix your Xfinity router blinking orange, you can always contact the official support team.

You can visit the Xfinity official website support page and the detailed FAQ should help you.

But if your problem is not available, you can always contact the human resource. You can contact them via voice call or live chat support.


Why is my router lit orange?

If your Xfinity Router is blinking orange, this is primarily due to a current firmware update. However, if the indicator blinks orange for a long enough time, this may indicate another problem with the connection.

How to fix the orange light on the router?

You have to go through a few checks to fix the orange light on your router. You may need to restart it or update the software. You can also check for corruption so your router can connect to the servers.

Why is my Xfinity router flashing orange and green?

An Xfinity Router blinking orange indicates a firmware update is in progress. Or internet connection problems, post an update. On the other hand, a green light on the router shows that it cannot connect to internet servers at all.

Why is my Xfinity router light orange?

An orange LED on the Xfinity router indicates that a firmware update is in progress. Or the update is done, but it cannot connect to internet services again. In this case, you will have to go through several checks to understand the cause of performance problems.