What does o7 mean on Twitch

There are several in-game terms that players use while playing or streaming. And o7 has been receiving quite a bit of spam lately, especially on Twitch. Just like pressing F to show respect, o7 is also used in various memes. If you’re new to Twitch or don’t know what this term means, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Read the article below and you will find everything you need to know about it.

What does o7 mean on Twitch?

o7 stands for the Salute emote, the letter “o”is the head, and “7”is the outstretched arm. So basically this emotion is used to express or pay tribute to a person. If you are a streamer, you better make sure you are familiar with such terms and emotions.

Now that you know the meaning of o7 on Twitch, use it right away. However, if you are still confused and confused about where to use an emote, scroll down and find out.

When and where to use the o7 emote?

There is no correct definition of when and where you can use the o7 emote. But it’s usually used to show respect for the player or streamer. For example, if a player sacrifices himself and saves a teammate, then the chat might spam o7 to salute. People have also used this emotion when texting to make the conversation more fun.

The o7 emote is used not only on Twitch, but also in various games and social media platforms. That’s all you need to know about the new o7 emote.