Eric Viennenot (In Memoriam, Alt-Minds), pioneer of transmedia gaming, has died.

A French video game mourns the disappearance of Eric Vienneau, former director of the Lexis Numérique studio.

Although Eric Vienno was focused on developing several projects, including The Man Who Dreamed in an Unknown Language (a transmedia based on the mysterious life of Mark Liblin in the book and film), Eric Vienno was secretly battling stomach cancer for a year. which, unfortunately, got the best of him at the age of 62. A talented creator and writer, he has made his mark on the video game industry with his innovative and revolutionary story-driven games such as In Memoriam with Ubisoft, Alt-Minds in partnership with Orange, and eXperience 112 with Micro Application.

Trained as an artist, he also received a Knight of Arts and Letters in March 2007. Four years ago he made a splash when he won the SACD award from the Society of Dramatic Writers and Composers in film, dance, music, radio, television and theatre. If Lexis Numérique closes in 2014 due to a critical financial situation, the studio will give birth to several original licenses (Les Aventures de l’oncle Ernest, Arc-en-Ciel, Justine, InCrazyBall, Metropolis Crimes, PooYoos, Tales). Elastic Boy, The Red Johnson Chronicles).

Tribute to Eric Viennette

The 4pmtech editors express their sincere condolences to Elliot, Candice and Natalia. We share your pain at this time of mourning. Please accept our deepest sympathy.