Seeing the “Login status exception, exiting game”error in Tower Of Fantasy? Many players have experienced the same, especially at launch. ToF is an open world MMORPG with an immersive world, interesting characters and more. If you were planning to play this game but encountered this error, don’t worry. Here’s what you need to know about fixing the ToF login status exception error.
How to fix Tower of Fantasy login status exception error?
Unfortunately, there is nothing players can do to completely resolve the ToF login status exception error because it is related to servers. The servers are most likely down due to maintenance, overload, or unexpected failure. Only developers can fix this, but you can try some troubleshooting tips to see if they work.
Close the game and restart
When you see that it takes a long time to enter the game, close the client and restart it. Check if you can enter the game after that.
Also read | How to check Tower of Fantasy server status
Choose another server
Check if changing the server will help load the game. If players see account (character) error 2618, it is because the servers are full. The developers recommend trying a different server if you see this error message.
The regions in ToF are North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America, with multiple servers in each region. Choose one that is close to the country you live in for a smooth experience.
Check your internet connection
Find out if other players are also experiencing this problem, but if not, the problem may be on your side. Reset your router and see if you can boot into the game. Use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. Make sure no other internet programs are running in the background. If none of these troubleshooting tips help, contact Tower of Fantasy Customer Support for assistance.
That’s all for possible fixes for Tower of Fantasy login status exception error.