Discord Invalid Network Request Error Fix (2022)

Discord is no stranger to sudden crashes and errors, and this time, many users have encountered an error that reads: Bad Network Request. What does this mean and is there anything that can be done to fix it? Here’s everything you need to know.

What does “Invalid network request occurred”mean?

Bad Network Request means there was a problem sending data from your computer to the server. During this time, you will not be able to send or receive messages or any notifications, and this may happen for several reasons.

How to fix invalid network request error in Discord?

The first thing you should do is check the status of the Discord server. If you see that the servers are having issues at the moment, there is nothing you can do because only Discord can fix it on their end. Wait and check again after a while. Follow @Discord for updates.

If it’s not a server issue and other users can access Discord normally, check your internet. Please reset your router and try again. Make sure your router is near your device and use an Ethernet cable for your PC if possible.

There are a few things you should also check because they can interrupt your network connection. Check your antivirus software and firewall settings and disable them temporarily. Check if Discord is working properly. If so, please add Discord as an exception so that it can run smoothly later as well.

Finally, a simple reboot of your PC should ideally fix the issue if it’s a crash. But if it’s a server issue, again, all you can do is wait. For more help, contact Discord Support and click Submit Request.

This is all you can do to fix the Discord invalid network request error.