How to Write Your Best Social Media Bio [+28 Free Templates]

Your social media bio is one of the first opportunities to impress your audience. A good bio can influence whether a user decides to follow you.

And while followers shouldn’t be the only metric that matters to you, more followers can lead to more reach and collaboration opportunities. Your subscribers may even turn into a community of like-minded people.

To help you and your brand go the extra mile, we’ve put together 28 sample bios and social media templates for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Why a good social media bio is important

When a user discovers your account, your social media bio is usually the first place they look. That’s why it’s so important to have a complete and attractive profile.

Even if you only post dark social media posts (ads) and don’t post any organic content, you should still complete your social media bios. A good bio is like a storefront – it can inspire confidence in potential customers who are unfamiliar with your brand.

Finally, social media bios are optimized for SEO (for most social media platforms). This means that the keywords you add to your bio can help find your account using in-app searches and general web search engines.

Whether you’re a creator or a company, here’s the key information you should aim to include in all your social media bios (adapted based on character space):

  • Who are you
  • What do you do/offer/sell
  • Where does your business operate
  • Your category (for business) or interests (for personal brand)
  • How can someone contact you
  • Your website
  • Call to action

instagram bios

Character limit: 150 characters

Whether you’re a company or a personal brand, your Instagram bio should encourage profile visitors to take action, which could mean clicking on your bio link, viewing your products, visiting your physical location, or simply following your account.

In terms of personal brands, I love watching creative influencers and content creators work with their Instagram bios. Companies and organizations usually need to add a few more things to their Instagram bios, such as branded hashtags, store hours or locations, and other brand accounts. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative!

If you’re looking to polish a bio for your personal or business account, these templates and examples will get you inspired.

Personal brands

Pattern 1: What are you known for?

[Who are you / what are you known for]

[Something unique about you]

[Affiliated Accounts/Companies]

Example: @classycleanchic

Template 2: Emoticon List

[Your Interests/Content Topics]

πŸ’Ό [Affiliate account/position + company]

πŸ“ [Location]

πŸ’Œ [Contact Information]

Example: @steffy

Template 3: Symbols + Biolink CTA

✈ [Reason to Subscribe]

β¬– [Your Interests/Content Topics]

βœ‰οΈŽ [Contact information]

↓ [STA] ↓


Example: @tosomeplacenew

Companies and organizations

Template 1: Brand Mission

[Brand Mission Statement]


Example: @lululemon

Pattern 2: User Content Hashtags

[Brand Mission]

[branded/custom hashtags]

[Contact Information]

Example: @passionpassport

Template 3: All Your Brand Accounts

[Brand Statement + UGC Hashtag]

[Emoji + affiliated accounts]

[Emoji + affiliated accounts]

[Emoji + affiliated accounts]



Example: @rotate

Still looking for inspiration? Here are 10 more Instagram ideas and tricks to stand out.

Twitter Bios

Maximum number of characters: 160 characters.

Given that Twitter is more of a communication platform, your Twitter bio is a great place to add a bit of tone to your brand or show off your personality.

Think of it like a cold TV show opening: you want your biography to grab attention so people stay until the end of the show.

Here are some basic features you should include in your Twitter bio:

  • your name
  • Location / where you do business
  • Brand mission/slogan
  • Other linked accounts
  • Branded hashtags
  • Website (if different from your main bio link)

With that in mind, here are some templates and examples to help you get started.

Personal brands

Pattern 1: Vertical/Emoji Dividers

[Current position/company] | [Previous Companies/Known Roles] | [Notable achievements such as subscriptions/performances] | [CTA or related hashtags]

Example: @ChiThukral

Example: @pattimmons_

Pattern 2: Paragraph breaks

[What do you do/what are you known for]

[What are you working on]

[STA + website link]

Example: @TomFrankly

Template 3: Complete sentences

[What are you known for]. [What are you doing]. [Other interesting roles/business]. [Witty ending/CTA].

Example: @thecultureofme

Example: @SaverioBianchi

Companies and organizations

Template 1: Slogan + brand hashtag

[brand slogan]. [brand hashtag(s)].

Example: @Anthropology

Example: @avalanche

Pattern 2: Customer support

[Brand Mission/Slogan]

Need support? Go to [support account/website].

Example: @intercom

Template 3: Account List

[Brand Mission/Slogan].

[Emoji: Affiliate Account]

[Emoji: Affiliate Account]

Example: @NHL

Looking for more ideas? Here are 30 more examples of Twitter bios.

Biographies TikTok

Character limit: 80 characters

Ready to get ruthless? This is what you need to do with your TikTok bio, which allows you to use half the characters of most other platforms. This is why there are so many Linktree copycats as they allow TikTok creators to expand their bios (and monetize their audience).

Given the highly creative nature of the platform, the TikTok bio can be used in many different ways. Although TikTok bios are not as formulaic as Instagram bios, there are still some general things to include.

  • Main themes/topics of your content
  • Call to action
  • Location
  • Contact information (since there are no contact buttons like on Instagram)
  • Website (available for business accounts after reaching 1000 subscribers)

Personal brands

Pattern 1: Short and sweet

[Who are you]

[Content Topics]

[Contact Information]

Example: @lothwe

Template 2: call to action

[One liner that sums up your TikTok]

πŸ‘‡ [STA] πŸ‘‡

Example: @victoriagarrick

Pattern 3: Personality in the spotlight

[What are you known for/what went viral]

[Why users should follow you]

Example: @jera.bean

Companies and organizations

Template 1: call to action

[What do you do/offer/sell]

[STA] ⬇️

Example: @the.leap

Pattern 2: We are cool kids

[A witty description related to your brand/product]

Example: @ryanair

Need more inspiration? Check out our HUGE list of TikTok bioideas.

Biographies Facebook

Maximum characters: 255 characters (about the program), 50,000 characters (additional information).

For Facebook pages, the bio is in the About Us section of the main tab (also on a separate tab). Facebook gives you several fields to fill out, including website and contact information, links to other social media accounts, and an optional description field.

Because Facebook is often the first place a customer goes to for information about your business, it’s important to include all the details.

Although most of the fields are easy to complete, here are a few ideas to get you started with the About and More Information sections.

Pattern 1: Short and sweet

A: [A short phrase, such as your brand slogan]

Example: @nike

Template 2: History, community policy and additional links

About the company: [Company mission/slogan]

Additional information: [Mission of the company + history]. [Facebook Community Guidelines]. [Disclaimer on page].


Accounts in other social networks: [Username]

Email: [Contact Information]

Example: @NGM

Template 3: Why follow us?

A: [brand slogan]

More info: [Why people should follow your Page]. [What content to expect]. [How subscribers will benefit from your content].

[Facebook Community Policy + Disclaimer].

Social Media Community Guidelines: [link to full terms]

Example: @travelandleasure

Biographies LinkedIn

On most other social media platforms, the bio sections are the same for personal brands and company profiles. However, things are different on LinkedIn.

For personal accounts, your bio is the Summary section of your profile. For companies and organizations, the biography is the β€œAbout the company” section on the company page. We’ll share tips for both below.

Personal brands

Maximum number of characters: 2600 characters.

Your resume section is one of the first sections people will read, and a good section can make the difference between skipping your profile or reading the rest of it.

If you’re looking to attract recruiters, followers, or business partners, here are my top tips:

  • Write in the first person (use “and”)
  • Make it attractive with a conversational tone! This is one place where you can be a little more informal.
  • Tell us about your most impressive accomplishments, such as in-demand skills, previous companies you’ve worked for, and quantitative accomplishments.

Template 1: Skills Checklist

Hello, I am [current position] and [briefly about what is most likely to interest my profile viewers, also known as recruiters].

In my [#] years in [industry/position] I have become an expert in [field 1, field 2, field 3].

My biggest accomplishments are [example 1], [example 2] and [example 3].

Skills and qualifications:

βœ“ [skill 1]

βœ“ [skill 1]

βœ“ [skill 1]

[Contact Information]

Example: Laura Wong

Template 2: Commercial offer

Hi, I’m [name].

I am [job title]. I do [what you do for work/your business].

Don’t take my word for it – [social proof], [business achievement].

Learn more at [website].

πŸ‘‰ [services I offer + how to contact me]

[links to other social media accounts]

Example: Vanessa Lau

Companies and organizations

Character limit: 2000 characters.

While you have 2,000 characters to fill out your company’s Description section, I strongly recommend that you don’t use the entire space. LinkedIn business pages offer many different fields to fill out, so you don’t need to put all your business details in your bio.

As with personal accounts, I think the best way to use your bio is to highlight your business’s strongest points. Just keep in mind that visitors to your company page are more likely to be interested in doing business with you than buying from you.

You still need to cover the basics (such as where your company is based and what you do/sell/provide) as well as employer brand aspects such as perks, company values, and how compensation is determined.

Please note: links won’t work in your description, so don’t include URLs. You can add your website URL in the dedicated field.

Template 1: Company Overview + Culture

[What does your company do]. [Overview of your products]. [Pain points you solve for your clients].

[History of the company/prehistory].

[Company culture + what it’s like to work there].

[Core values ​​of the company and their application].

[STA + website link]

Example: Hotjar

Template 2: Invite me to work

[Company’s mission]. [What is it like to work in your company]. [Company values].

View all of our career opportunities here: [link]

Example: Google

Biographies Pinterest

Maximum number of characters: 160 characters.

Your Pinterest bio represents you and your business to your audience. Pinterest is highly visual, so keep your bio short and to the point so your actual content speaks for itself.

While hashtags are useful on other social media bios, Pinterest doesn’t work that way. Instead of focusing on hashtags, Pinterest uses keywords in your bio, post descriptions, and board descriptions to help relevant users find you.

With that in mind, make sure your bio contains relevant descriptions of you or your brand, and choose your words strategically (not sounding like an SEO robot).

Personal brands

Pattern 1: Basics

[What are you known for + topics of your content]. Visit [Main Social Channel/External Link].

Example: @tiffy4u

Template 2: For creative and service entrepreneurs

[What do you do] + [Where are you] | [What services do you provide]

Example: @evarendlphotography

Companies and organizations

Pattern 1: what are you pinning

[Description of what your company does/sells/provides]. Pinning [content type(s)].

Example: @flytographer

Pattern 2: Refine User Content

We share [content type] and [content type] that you can only find through [company name]. Share yours using [brand hashtag].

Example: @airbnb