How to Increase Happiness on Two Point Campus (Students and Staff)

Happiness is an extremely important factor on the Two Point campus as it influences the motivation of the students as well as the staff working there. Many things contribute to high levels of happiness, and managing them on a large campus can be tricky. To help you, here’s how to increase the happiness levels of your staff and students on the Two Point campus.

How to increase the level of happiness in the Two Point campus?

To check the current happiness level of your students and staff, go to the menu in the bottom left corner. Scroll until you find Campus Overview. Now switch to the tabs and check out the staff overview and student overview. The levels of happiness will be shown there.

Check current staff and student issues and requests

For students, you will see issues like dropout warnings, medical issues, pastoral issues, and for employees, it will be resignation warnings and training requests. Essentially, you need to identify problems and put in the effort to solve them. It can be anything from needs, environment or lifestyle.

As you can imagine, there are many things that may need to be changed, but the effort is worth it if your students and staff are happy to be there. It will also improve student grades.

Add all the amenities you need

Make sure your staff and students have all the necessary amenities such as toilets, trash cans, hand sanitizers, showers and more to maintain hygiene. If necessary, you can hire more cleaners to keep things clean, because without them the students will litter everywhere. Additionally, players should be mindful of storing items in the right places for quick access. Here’s how to make money fast if you don’t have enough money.

Let them have some fun

“All the work and the lack of play makes Jack a boring boy”is true in this game as well. Add rooms such as a student lounge/staff room where people can relax and have fun. If you don’t, they will feel overwhelmed, give you a lower quality job, or quit. Check your inbox often to know what everyone wants and accept the ones you think are important.

Firefighter inefficient staff

This may seem cruel, but if you hire employees who are bad at hygiene or misbehaving, you will have to fire them to ensure happiness. After that, hire a good set of employees who will improve the overall atmosphere in a positive and inspiring way.

Keep everyone healthy

If people on your campus continue to eat junk food from vending machines, their health is bound to deteriorate. To avoid this, add some healthy food options to make people less sick and happier.

Check staff salaries

One of the main reasons for employee dissatisfaction is the feeling that they are underpaid. Make sure you pay your team well so they can work effectively.

There are other things not mentioned here, but this will definitely give you an idea of ​​how to do it throughout the game. In short, if you meet the needs of students and staff, listen to their requests, solve their problems, and make the necessary changes, you will experience a higher level of happiness on the Two Point campus.

That’s all you need to know about happiness in this game.