Two Point Campus: How to make money fast

If you dream of building your own university, Two Point Campus is a simulator you shouldn’t miss. Although you start with an empty building, gradually you must build your campus. Hire employees, furnish your rooms and classrooms, decorate lawns and gardens as students will be eager to get into your university. The main goal of the game is to build the university the way you want and then keep it up and running. And no such university can function effectively without proper cash flow. Take on too much debt and you could end up bankrupt if a line of credit doesn’t help. This guide will help you make money fast at Two Point Campus.

How to Make Money Fast on the Two Point Campus

While cash flow is a much-needed concern for the running and running of a university, your credit must outweigh your debt. If your cash flow is positive, the transaction runs smoothly and there are no problems. While this is not the case, looming debt will eat away at some of your profits and prevent you from progressing. Here are all the ways you can make money fast on the Two Point Campus:

  • Earn on tuition and salary
  • Keep students happy and get more XP
  • Archaeological site
  • Sell ​​unused items
  • Take a loan
  • Use of toll machines

Earn on tuition and salary

Although this method is only a short term solution with inevitable consequences, you can try this way to make money fast on the Two Point campus. Every year you can switch from tuition fees and increasing it will give you more money. The reason this is a short solution is because the students will be dissatisfied and this can lead to further chaos. But this will solve your money problem for a while.

In addition, you can also hire employees with lower wage requirements. Again, you will be sacrificing the quality of education for money, and students may not be happy.

Keep students happy and get more XP

If you make students happy, this could be your best annual income. Since tuition fees are the main income, a happy student will study much more efficiently. The higher the training percentage, the higher your XP bonus. This is a great way to make money fast at Two Point Campus.

The best ways to do this are libraries and private lessons. As long as the student is learning, the more learning methods you provide, the higher the learning curve will be. And when it does, you get bonus XP money every month.

Archaeological site

You need to build a lot of archaeological sites and start classes as soon as possible. Artifacts sold after excavations can bring a good profit. In addition, you need to keep expanding the dig site. This makes it possible to discover more artifacts and possibly more valuable ones. This will help you get more money on the Two Point campus.

Sell ​​unused items

As you progress further, you will need to make room for new and improved gear. So why not sell your old and unused items and earn some money? While prices may vary and you won’t get rich, it’s better to get some cash for these things. Instead of polluting them, it’s better to make room for newer and better items.

Take a loan

While not a very good method, it is still the fastest way to make money on the Two Point campus. But we are cautious about this method. The right use of debt will help you move forward, but the wrong use of debt will lead to ruin. If you are confident that you can repay the loan along with accrued interest, then this is the fastest way to get some money.

Use of toll machines

Although this is not a fast method, you will definitely make money on the Two Point campus. Things like vending machines, arcade games, food stalls, and more are available to use. Whereas most of them are cheap investments but with great passive returns over time. Check your inventory for such items that will help you get more money in the game.

That’s all you need to make money fast at Two Point Campus.