Meta will close its messenger for couples

Meta is terminating its Tuned messaging app. The couples did not respond enough to those present.

If you’ve used the experimental Meta Tuned app for your couple, you’ll have to find an alternative. According to the Gizmodo article, Meta is indeed preparing to take the app offline, with the operation taking place on September 19th. It is no longer possible to create an account. The company did not hesitate to provide a reason for the closure. In a statement to Engadget, a spokesperson explained that Meta’s new product experimentation team is shutting down apps and services that don’t “stick.”

Meta closes its Tuned messenger

The NPE team at Meta (then Facebook) launched Tuned in April 2020 to give couples a “private space”where they can share their feelings, words of love, small issues and music. The launch time coincided with the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. In theory, the service could help long-distance couples strengthen their bonds when they can’t see each other in person.

Couples didn’t respond enough to those present

It’s hard to know how many people have used the app. Meta first launched the app for iOS before offering an Android version. “Many couples”have used Tuned to keep in touch, but there’s no doubt that Tuned has remained a niche product compared to giants like Facebook or Instagram. Most likely, you hear about this application for the first time. Which is quite logical, finally, when you know that there are many other services for messaging, calling, video, and more.

And this closure was almost announced. Meta is not shy about shutting down experimental apps. The same fate befell a few more ambitious ones when they failed to attract users. This allows the company, no matter how important, to save resources and focus on other, more popular projects and products. From now on, the Meta is completely turned to the metaverse.